☀️ [2] ☀️

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Jungkook woke up as if it was an emergency, as if sleeping had become a dangerous thing. His heartbeat quickened and there was a slight buzzing in his brain, and together it felt like panic with jump-leads.

His head snapped from side to side until they rested on a face with an extremely irritated expression.

"Uh..." his panic died down and rose up again in a new form as he stared awkwardly at his mother, who stood with her arms crossed, "uhm...hi?"

"Jungkook, do you know today is your first day as a sophomore? I know perfectly well you and Seiwan had stayed up late playing your wretched video game. I swear, if I could, I would have that 'overtop' game gone for good - "

"Mom, it's not 'OVERTOP' - "Jungkook's voice trailed away again as his mother's glare tightened, "uhm...yeah, it's definitely 'overtop'," he mumbled under his breath, while lowering his head.

"I want you downstairs in 10 minutes."

Jungkook threw himself back on the bed after his mother strode out, sighing in exasperation. He groaned into a pillow before finally mustering enough energy to trudge up to the bathroom.


Jungkook and Seiwan walked to their new institution together. As they reached the newly built-in territory, they stood still, gazing up at the buildings in awe.

A cluster of four main, tall, high tech buildings stood in the front, with large, smoked glass and steel. Each building was joined by a covered walkway. The main doors were thrown open with large soft boards propped up with lists and lists covering them. Students were gazing intently at the lists.

"That's where we find our homeroom classroom numbers," Seiwan said, before turning to her best friend, who was nodding his head unconciously, "if you're not in the same one as me again this year, I'm disowning you."

Jungkook turned his head towards her, his face scrunched up in disgust, "pfft, maybe after I'm done disowning you."

Seiwan grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the left direction of the large buildings, "let's explore first!" she practically squealed in excitement.

They both walked slowly, admiring the new institute. Behind the four main buildings were more buildings. A small dome was in the far right corner, attatched to one of the main buildings, which they assumed was the auditorium. Another building sat at the very end, behind the large grounds which pooled between all the buildings, "Oh my God, Gukkie! The gym is SO much bigger!"

Jungkook groaned, "and the grounds are twice as big, too! Imagine all the laps we'll be doing this year."

The grounds were lined with trees and rose bushes. A group of girls were already busy taking photos with the rosy background, lips pursed and eyes squinted. Seiwan and Jungkook cringed before moving towards the grounds. Students were scattered in groups and pairs. Laughter and chattering filled the morning air.

"To be honest, I kinda missed this atmosphere," Jungkook admitted sheepishly.

Seiwan let out her iconic, dramatic sigh, "me too," and then proceeded to drag Jungkook by his arm, "come on, it's 7:15, we need to find our homerooms."


Seiwan was clutching the paper in her hand so tight, the paper was slightly tearing from where her knuckles dug in. She was trying hard not to run all over the school, squealing her head off. Jungkook also had a dumb, overly-excited smile plastered all over his face.

After three consecutive years, they were finally in the same homeroom.

"OMG, Koo, I'm so excited. This might be the best year we ever have - "

"You say that every year, but yeah, this time I finally agree."

"Okay, so homeroom is same, so that means all the co-curricular activities we have are also gonna be the same. Other than that, we have third period; chem, fifth period; history, and last period - oh -ew, gym," Seiwan stated as the two of them stared at the given papers, heads clocked together.

They walked into the hallways and took a moment to take in the familiar school atmosphere. The halls were crowded with people, and the chaos was so perfect, like a movie. There was the couple that was always making out on the left side of the hall, and about ten feet farther down, the cliquey girls. Opposite to them, the cliquey jocks, and between them, the parade of band geeks with their huge instrument cases.

But then there were all those unfamiliar faces. Everyone who was clearly not from the eastern campus looked like they were juniors and seniors. They held themselves with much more pride, and all of them had an intimidating aura surrounding them. Even the younger ones, the freshmen and sophomores, held themselves as if they were at a higher status then the other campus.

Each student only greeted the others from their previous campus, and even though laughter sounded along the hallways, joined with excited conversations and shouts, the atmosphere carried an uncomfortable awkwardness.

Seiwan tightened her coat around herself, "Oh boy..."

Jungkook sighed, "this is gonna be one HELL of a year. These western campus peope already seem like jerks to me."

Seiwan tore her eyes away from everyone and looked at Jungkook, "whatev', we're sorta used to being ignored in school. It'll be easier for us compared to the idiots who think they're gonna get married to Kim Taehyung or Park Jimin."

Jungkook made a choking sound as they walked down the hallways, "seriously?! Who said that?! I bet it's Bon Jung or Eun Hwa."

Seiwan snorted, "Well, that's what the rumors say. I don't know if Eunhwa said anything like that, but the student body page was blowing up when they announced that the western kids are gonna be with us from now on."

"Sheesh, she has problems with her pride. Anyways, I'm going to my locker, see you in class."

They both began walking in opposite directions in attempt to find their lockers.

For them, the day felt great. Seiwan even had a whole new stock of the wittiest and stupidest jokes ready for the year.


Sigh, I love Seiwan :)

Chapter 2, leave comments if you want to. If you enjoyed reading this chapter, please vote :)


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