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Act 1
Chapter 2

Act 1Chapter 2

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LIANA WAS ON BOOSE DUTY. Since the girl was older she could buy the keg more easily than the four younger teens. Her converse slapped against the floor and she opened the door of the family car, her own being to small to fit the large metal keg of alcohol into.

"Lianas got the goods, let's go!" The tall girl chuckled as she saw the familiar head of blond hair barrel towards her, his arms wrapping around her frame, spinning her in the air. "You are my favourite Carrera" his hands were on the sides of her face and his own held the excitement of a child on Christmas morning.

"Ooo, we both know that's not true" JJ rolled his eyes, he knew what she was on about but he had always denied it. Liana grinned in response as he dropped his hands from her face, grabbing the keg out of the open door.

The other three soon joined the two, they're hands filled with supplies they needed. The sun had started to set, a soft glow settling on the sand, the battle between blue and orange as they sat against each other on the horizon.

As the time passed the five teenagers drank their hearts away, pure happiness filling them as they danced in the sand. Liana was far more intoxicated than the Pogues as she chugged cup after cup of beer, enjoying the warm feeling it left in her stomach. More people came as the hours went on until the boneyard was filled with teenagers, not one completely sober.

"Wait, wai- I got it, give me a second" the muscles in her face moved in ways that made her look crazy, the thin quarter slid down her nose, onto her cheek before it fell into the sand. Playful groans of disappointment left the people around the tall girl, herself included.

Liana joked with the people around her for a few more minutes before joining her sisters side as she walked towards John b. The siblings eyes locked onto the same head of straight golden locks.

Sarah Cameron.

Kiara's enemy since 10th grade, the we're friends before of course but the two fell out completely. Liana on the other hand, she saw Sarah as a little sister, the two mostly going shopping together when they decided they wanted to get away from the bubble wrap of Outer Banks.

"What is she doing here?"

John b looked away from the girl he was flirting with, his eyes locking on to the same blond beauty as the two sisters were. Liana's slight smile fell as she watched the built figure of Topper Thornton help the girl down from whatever she was sat on.

She'd never liked the blond boy, there was something about him that seemed off to her. "They're probably here to party? You know, like everyone else here" Kiara gave her sister an unimpressed look before she stomped away.

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