Chapter 5

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Ahsoka awoke the next morning more rested and relaxed than she had in days. She was excited and energized. She knew where Obi-Wan was and could finally finish her training, so she would be able to pass on the ways of the force to the new generation. Maybe Obi-Wan would even come back to Delmara with her and help her teach the younglings.

Ahsoka started to pack a bag for her trip to Tatooine. She didn't know how long she'd be there, so she decided to pack light and buy more stuff when she got there if she needed it. All she packed were two changes of clothes, a cloak, and a blanket.

"Good morning my love," Ahsoka heard from beside her. Lux sat up in the bed and yawned.

"Morning Luxy," she replied with a giggle. He kissed her on the cheek and hopped out of the bed.

"So you finally know where Obi-Wan is huh?"

"Yup, after all the searching all I needed to do was sleep on it i guess."

"Told ya," Lux said with a smirk as he pulled his shirt over his head. "What now?"

"Well I'm going to find him of course. There's still some things I need to learn about the force in order to be the best teacher for these kids, and I'm hoping Obi-Wan can finish teaching me it. Maybe I can even get him to come back here with me and help out."

"Do you think he'd come here with you? He could have come with us originally but he didn't," Lux pointed out.

"I know, but I'd be doing a disservice to the kids here if I didn't at least ask. He would be a great teacher for them. Besides, it would be fun to have him here. He's like a father to me." Lux just nodded. He knew how much the older man meant to Ahsoka.

Lux began to throw some stuff into a backpack. Ahsoka shot him a confused glance.

"What?" Lux asked.

"I'm just confused as to what you're doing. You never carry a backpack during the day."

"Oh I'm not staying here, I'm coming with you."

"No, you're not," Ahsoka said firmly.

"Yes I am," Lux replied defiantly.

"Lux you're not come with me. All I'm doing is visiting Obi-Wan and finishing my training. It shouldn't take more than a few months."

"EXACTLY! I can't be apart from you for that long. Besides, if something happened to you I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

"Lux you don't need to. I can handle myself. I need you to stay here and lead the younglings."

"Pft. I'm not fit for that. Most of them already know more about the force than me. Trayta would be the best choice for that. She's the oldest and most mature of the padawans, she could still teach the younglings some things and watch over them."

Ahsoka sighed. Lux was making good points, but she still didn't want him to come. It could be dangerous, and she didn't want anything to happen to him. Lux walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"I'm coming with you whether you like it or not d'bhem," he said planting a kiss on her forehead.

Ahsoka groaned. "Fine, but don't do anything stupid."

Lux looked at her with fake hurt. "I've never done anything stupid."

"Did you forget about almost getting killed on Mandalore for calling out Dooku or almost getting both of us killed on Carlac by Death Watch or how about that time when-?" Ahsoka said crossing her arms and smirking at him.

Lux cut her off before she could list off any of his other failures. "Okay okay. Point taken. I promise I won't do anything that stupid while we're on Tatooine."

"Good," Ahsoka said giving him a quick peck on the lips. She walked out of the tent before Lux could say anything else. He ran to catch up to her.

"Where are you going now?" Lux asked.

"To make the announcement to the children that we will be leaving for an extended period of time, but first I need to talk to Trayta and make sure she's okay with watch over and teach them while we're gone." The two walked to Trayta's tent in relative silence.

Upon reaching the tent, Ahsoka opened the flap. "Trayta?" Ahsoka called.

"Yes Master Tano?" The young pantoran female responded. She was sitting on the floor of her tent facing the flap.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Of course. Come in." Ahsoka walked into the tent and motioned for Lux to wait for her outside. Once inside Ahsoka sat on the floor across from Trayta. "So what is it you wanted to talk about?"

"Well... a few days ago I had a vision of an old friend and mentor, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Since the visions I've been searching for his location, and last night it came to me in a... dream." Ahsoka didn't really want to share the actual details of what had happened, mostly because she still didn't know herself. "I will be leaving today to travel to Tatooine to find him. I'm hoping he can help me finish my training so I can teach you guys better."

"Wow... Master Kenobi is still alive? I never met him but I heard stories of his heroics during the Clone Wars."

"He was amazing... like a father to me," Ahsoka said reminiscing of the past. "Anyways, that brings me here, to you. I need someone to watch over the colony while I'm gone, and I want you to be the one that does so."

"Master Tano I can't accept this responsibility. I-I'm not fit for this. Why can't Lux do it? He's much older and more mature than me."

Ahsoka shook her head. "Lux has insisted that he come with me to Tatooine, and suggested you to watch over the colony in our absence. You are the wisest and strongest with the force of any of the padawans. You'll be able to lead them well in my absence. All I ask is you make sure everyone keeps up with their training and does nothing too stupid."

Trayta took a deep breath. "Okay Master Tano. I accept this responsibility."

Ahsoka smiled at the young girl. "Good. You'll make a great leader in my absence." Ahsoka reached into her pocket and produced a comm link. "This is a secure link that is connected only to the other comm which I have. If you need anything or if something happens, comm me." Trayta took the link and nodded. Ahsoka stood and offered her hand to Trayta. The girl took it and stood up as well. "Now come young one, we must make the announcement to everyone."


It wasn't that hard to round everyone up. The colony was still quite small, consisting of just about twenty people including herself and Lux. In a matter of minutes everyone was gathered around the fire pit, with Ahsoka, Lux and Trayta standing in the center.

Ahsoka raised her hand to quiet the chattering children. Slowly they all stopped talking. "Now I assume you're wondering why I've called this meeting?" Ahsoka asked. There were nodding heads and mumbled yeses in response. "Well recently I have discovered the location of a friend and mentor and will be traveling to Tatooine to find him. Lux will be coming with me. In both of our absences, I will be leaving Trayta in charge."

There were mumbles that went up among the children. One, a young rodian boy raised his hand. "Yes Varo?"

"Who's your friend?"

Ahsoka hesitated for a second, but then decided to tell them. "Master Obi-Wan Kenobi." At this answer, even more excited mumbles arose.

"Will he come back?"

"He's alive?"

"I wonder what he's like?"

Ahsoka rose her hand again and the talking died down. "I don't know how long I'll be gone, and I don't know if Master Kenobi will return with me, but when I come back I'll be able to teach you guys even better." Ahsoka waited a second, and upon seeing no more questions, she continued. "Now if you will excuse me, I need to finish getting ready for my trip."

With that, the meeting was adjourned and everyone went back to what they had been doing before.

Sorry these last couple chapters have been boring and kinda shitty, but it should pick up soon.

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