Chapter 2: loving boyfriend

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Hii! This is chapter 2!! Hope u guys enjoy!

Stiles's POV:
I still sat in my car but I was now in New York. I am on my way to Newt's apartment. Im soo excited to see Newt its been 4 months since I saw him last and I can't bare it anymore. Suddenly I was standing outside a apartment here in New York
(How the house looks like⬇️)

 Suddenly I was standing outside a apartment here in New York(How the house looks like⬇️)

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I walked up the stairs and got to the second floor. I knocked on the door and I moved out of the way of the door. The door opens and there is my boyfriend, smiling and as handsome as ever. He jumps Into my arms and I hold him and I push him agianst my chest and kiss him on the lips and put him down and after a while we break the kiss. «Hey newtie» i say. «Tommy! In soo happy to see you!» «and me you Newt» i say as I gave him a another kiss. We walk inside and I sat my bags down in the bedroom and we sit down in the couch and cuddle.

I see Newt snuggle Into my chest. Awww it is adorable. I've missed him soo much! I give him a kiss on his head and cuddle beside him.

«Tommy?» «yeah babe?» i say from the kitchen since I was thirsty. «Do you want to watch a movie?» Newt say humbly. As i've said, he is adorable. «OF COURSE! We can watch a movie if you want to! What do you want to watch?» i say at the same time as I sit down next to newt. «Mabye we can watch the greatest showman?» Newt asks me. «Yeah! I love that movie!» i walk up and put the movie in and the movie starts playing. I go to the kitchen and grab some popcorn and Newt's favorite, chocolate. I go back to the livingroom, sat the snacks on the table and snuggle up close to Newt and play the movie. «I love you Newt.» I say. «Love you too Tommy»

3rd persons POV:
After the movie ended both Stiles and Newt fell asleep while cuddeling and slept the rest of the night. But what we know is that it is Newt's and Stiles's anniversary tomorrow and going out for dinner.

Aaaand that was chapter 2!! Hope u liked it!
Until next time this is our goodbye sooo.....
GOODBYEE!!💕 PS: this is NOT the end of the story even tough it sounds like it😂✌🏻
Wordcount: 398

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