Chapter 8: you're okey...

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Stiles's POV:
I heard a beeping sound. It wouldn't shut the hell up. I start to open my eyes and close them agian from the light. After a while I open my eyes agian and I see Newt sitting in a chair beside my chair. Sleeping. I reach my arm out for him and pat him on his thigh. He then wakes up and sees me awake and kiss me. «Hey» he Says in a hushed tone. «Hey newtie» i say back and lay back in my bed. «Where am I?» i ask, but Suddenly i remember last nights 'incident'. «You're in the hospital, after....yesterday, Someone called 911 and we got to the hospital.» Newt says with a sympathic look all over his face. «Oh... did you call Lydia?» I Ask worried sick about Lydia. «Oh yeah I called her and told me to Ask you that when you are up to it just call her anytime today and that she is free.» Newt Says and leans in for a kiss. I nod and jawn. «You should get some sleep honey. I will tell the doctor that you've woken up but fell asleep agian» Newt said with a friendly smile and walked outside. I started feeling tired and got confortable and for the matter of minutes i fell asleep.

Newt's POV:
Im soo glad that Thomas is ok, i was so worried! Im now in the hallway and im talking to the doctor. He is going over Stiles's injuries. «So Newt, Stiles here got his shoulder out of it's place and that is why he has to wear that sling for two weeks, he also has a concussion and some bruising and cuts. As for his leg it is broken in two different places and we had to have him in surgery, he will wear that cast for about four weeks and then he has to have a leg brace for two weeks. You understand?» the doctor said. «Yes, yes I do.» i said. «And because we will be giving him some pretty strong painkillers today he will be tired a lot of the time today. However I belive he can be checked out tomorrow or in two days.» he said smiling. «Oh im soo happy to hear that! But there is one problem. My boyfriend here is not from here and we are going to his hometown in just a few days so is it possible that he can get that brace there or?» i Ask courius since i Don't want to move him much around. « oh yea that will be possible we will just have to transfer our records to the hospital, you and Stiles just have to fill out a form. And i just wanted to say that in the first few days he will need a lot of rest and care.» he said «yeah, and one of his friend's mom is a nurse so im sure she can help.» i say as he nodded as he walked away to get the forms and I went back to Stiles's room and called Lydia.

Lydia's POV:
I sat in my economics class when my phone started buzzing. I saw that it was Stiles. I had to take it. I raised out of my Seat and rushed to the door. «Ms.Martin care to explain to me why you are walking out of class?» Coach said to me. «I have to get this its important, its Stiles.» i said. «What's so important about that?» «Stiles got in a accident yesterday in New York and I told him to call me» i said. «Ok, ok. Tell him get better from me ok?» coach say as I nod and leave the classroom.

Lydia: hey!
Newt: hey Lydia! Its Newt agian
Lydia: oh hey is something wrong?

Newt: oh no nothings wrong I will just tell you that Stiles probably wont talk to you today since he is all propped up with painkillers and all he do is sleep and to tell you not to worry.

Lydia: i get that and thank you for telling me! So when are you guys going here tough?

Newt: well I got to talk a little to him a few hours ago and decided that we would go to Beacon Hills the day after realase so it won't be too overwelming.

Lydia: yeah, yeah so I see you guys later then?

Newt: yeah see you! Bye
Lydia: bye!

The phone made a beeping sound signalising that the call is over and I put my phone in my pocked and went back Into the classroom and back Into the lesson.

That was chapter 8! I hope you liked it<333

Wordcount: 774 words
Published: 12/07/20

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