Chapter 14: Cleaning wounds

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Stiles's POV:

Knock, knock.

«Come in!» i say and kiss Newt's temple.

I see Melissa's head peak through the door and I smile at her and she smiles back.

«Should we mabye check those wounds now Shall we?» she asked in a kind and Motherly voice.

«Of course!» i say and get confortable.

Melissa walks over to the bed and sits down in a chair next to the bed and Newt is sitting right behind me in the bed.

«Ouch!» i say AS Melissa tries to take off my sling.

«U ok?» she asks and look up to me.

«Yeah im fine just a little sore because of the whole 'my shoulder out of it's place thing' i say sarcastic.

Both Newt and Melissa left out a chuckle AS Melissa continiued to take off the sling.

When she was done I took off my flannel and then I just wore a white plain t-shirt.

She lifted up the sleeve from my t-shirt up to my shoulder and exposed a big dark blue bruise.

Melissa gasps and touch the bruise and I his out in pain.

«Im sorry.» Melissa mumbles. «Its ok.» i say back.

She changes the bandage and takes the sling back on. She then moves on to the cuts on my arms and face and she cleans them.

When she was done she gave me a smile and I smile back. But soon the smile Faded away.

«Whats wrong?» i Ask her.

«Oh it's nothing. It is just hard to think about all you two went through.» she Says with a sad smile.

«Melissa... it's ok alright? We are both fine and the same as before vit now we are only a little bit more broken...» i say and give her a conforting smile.

I mumble «thank you» before She smiles back and exists the room and goes downstairs.

Moments later I hear her car drove away which means that now it's just me, Newt and my dad.

I laid down right next to Newt and we cuddle once agian.

«I love you Tommy.» Newt Says with a smile.

«I love you too Newtiebear.» I say and he snuggles up agians my chest and we both fell asleep.

All I could think about now was that I have to go back to school tomorrow... WITHOUT NEWT!... i can't.

'Tomorrow will be shit.'

3rd persons POV:

What nor Stiles or Newt knew was that tomorrow they would meet a special someone. Someone they haven't seen in a long time.


Im sorry this is shit but I will update tomorrow!

What will happen at school?
Can Stiles really go a whole day without his fiancé?
And who will they meet?

Read and find out!

And I just wanted to thank you all for over 300 reads!! Love u all!!!<333


Published: 16/07/20
Wordcount: 480

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