Madison's and Zoe's idea

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It was a sunny saturday at the Academy, all the girls were sitting and almost sleeping in the livingroom included Cordelia and Misty. They just were through lunch and everybody rested on the chouches and armchairs. Zoe and Madison were chatting about the hot weather and figured out a brilliant idea.
Suddenly Zoe stood up from the armchair.

"What would you think guys if we go to the hidden lake today take tents with us and sleep there for a couple of nights? Like a camping trip or something" She smiled and looked around curiously.

Queenie were satisfied with the idea "Finally a great idea hopped up from your heads. I'm sweating like hell, we all shoud start to pack our bickinies and stuffs and go right now!" She became really excited and almost jumped up from her seat.
Misty were jumping and clapping, Mallory, Coco and Nan were nodding repeatedly.

Cordelia also agreed however she was falling her eyes to the floor when an inappropriate thought jumped in her mind and it was kind of distracting... the thought of Misty in bikini. She bit her bottom lips while tried to think some different topic.
She had this kind of thoughts for couple of weeks. She wanted to ignore them, but couldn't. She didn't really wanted to admit to herself what these were meaning, but somewhere deep inside she exactly knew. She couldn't allow herself to feel other then friendship towards the Cajun. They are friends, close friends. Sometimes (most of the time) they share emotionally intimate moments and glances but that's all. She wasn't self-confident enough to believe the feeling could be mutual and she tried to repress her emotions.
She thought it would be the most decent idea. But sometimes when she wasn't careful enough she started to daydreaming about her curly hair, her beautiful ocean blue eyes, her laughing when a butterfly lands on her shoulder, her face when she sticks out her tounge while concentrating on a new task what Cordelia gave her.
And this time again these kind of thoughts were running threw her mind.

'Congratulation Cordelia.' She thought. She started to cough, rised her eyes from the floor and watched the girls as they were waiting for her answer. "Sure, It's a really good idea girls! Pack everything you need in and we will meet at 2 pm in front of the main door."

The students started to become vivid from the boring after-luch siesta and started to rush up to their rooms to prepare themselves to their little holiday.
During this time Nan just rolled her eyes. She had to listen Cordelia's dilemma about Misty over and over again for weeks. But Misty wasn't any different. Nan had to listen her admiring the supreme and thinking of her all day and night. When she heard them first she were really excited and she smiled a lot because of them, but this time when she listened them about the 100th time was a little annoying.

Misty and Cordelia stayed in the livingroom after the girls were gone and looked each other with a smile on their faces. Misty went closer to her and slightly touched the supreme's lower arm .

"Thank ya' Miss Cordelia for letting us to make this happen, it will be so much fun!" They both lowered their eyes where their skin touched. Cordelia swallowed hard from the contact but she forced herself to rise her eyes (Misty did the same) and pretended she were calm.

"It's okay, everyone need this and I'm sure that all of us will have a really good time." She gave Misty a sweet smile. The cajun smiled her back but removed her hand from Cordelia's arm and started to move back slowly in a little embarrasment because of her touchy action.

"Uhm..I'm gonna go upstairs and pack ma' stuffs. See ya later!" Misty gave her a shy smile and were trying to walk away from the livingroom calmly. And she more or less succeeded.

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