The first day

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They finally arrived to an abadoned part of the lake so they were totally alone there. Queenie parked the car and anounced that they arrived.

Cordelia opened her eyes and realised the pose what she and Misty were in. She carefully lifted her head from the girl's, and she were positioned herself to sit straight while yawned. 'Misty looks so beautiful when she's sleeping' she thought and her mouth formed a light smile.

Nan turned towards Cordelia and gave her a 'please don't start this, it was so cool while you were sleeping and I couldn't hear you thinking about Misty' look.

Cordelia had an idea what was Nan thinking since the girl had the power of mind reading so it was a little embarrassing. She couldn't let herself to think of Misty this way for more reasons. One: Nan hears everything and Cordelia doesn't want all the girls know about her feelings while she didn't want to admit even to herself. Two: She was the supreme, she had a lot of obligation and she couldn't let herself to spend her time daydreaming and craving for somebody, especially if this somebody is her STUDENT. Three: Maybe this feeling (what doesn't even exist - she repeated in herself) is not even mutual.
Conclusion: repress the emotions and everything will be fine. She mastered this skill in the previous weeks so it wouldn't be that hard this time even thought they're going to share a tent, right?

Everyone waked up and they started to pack out their bags from the bottom of the car.

As Cordelia picked up her bag, Misty smiled at her and asked "Do you need any help Miss Cordelia?".
"No, but thank you Misty" and she smoothed the cajun's upper arm while smiling.
Misty nodded, picked up her own bag and carried to the shore where the other girls were trying to set up their tents and Cordelia followed her.

She was excited about she had to sleep with Cordelia. She thought the woman was so beautiful, helpful and sweet. She has never had a person who she could trust in without any words but now she had Cordelia. They knew everything about each other. They spent a lot of time together, since the cajun arrived to the Academy. Cordelia tought her every little spell about the flowers and seeds and during that time they talked a lot. Really really lot, about everything. Misty has never felt any romantic feelings toward anybody and she didn't know how it felt but with Cordelia she has always felt safe and anything she could think about was touch somewhere the supreme, her arm, her face... she wanted to hug her and sometimes... and sometimes she wanted to kiss her. Misty didn't know much about love, but if she had to explain it to somebody, she would describe her feelings when she's with Cordelia.
A sharp shouting put off her thoughts.
"I CAN'T DO THIS I DON'T CARE. ZOE, SET THE TENT ALONE!" Madison threw everything to the sand and folded her arms.

Misty saw that Zoe was struggeling whit the stuff,so she helped her and than she helped Cordelia as well. They set up the tent pole and Cordelia's and Misty's hand touched for a moment. They both pulled away their hands immediately, the pole fell and their faces were burning.
"I'm sorry it was ma' fault" Misty started, but almost in the same time Cordelia started to apologize. "No-no it was me, it's okay." And after that they pretended like they didn't overreacted every little situation where they interacted.

Finally every tent were set up and everyone started to get rid of their unnecessary clothes, because they had their bikinies on under them. Misty was running and as soon as she reached the water she jumped in with her whole body. The others followed her movements except Madison and Cordelia.

Madison put her toe finger in the water and grimaced. "It's so cold I won't go in!"
"Come on Madi you can do it!" Coco shouted.
"Okay but be careful, my hair is freshly straightened! I swear if anybody ruins it I will ruin her whole holiday"
"I think we all took the risk by allowing you to come with us." Queenie were kidding her and Madison gave her a grumpy look. She carefully went in the water but as soon as she reached the other girls everybody came around her and smirked. By the same time all of them started to slosh the water to her while she was screaming and tried to fight back roughlessly. They laughed hard even Madison.

Misty realized that Cordelia was still in the tent and didn't come out since they had set it up. She swam out of the lake and went there. The others were laughing and shouting behind her but she didn't care. The one thing she cared about right now is why Cordelia wasn't with her.

"Hey what's up?" She curiously looked in. She saw Cordelia as she packed her bag searching for something.
"I think I forgot to bring my bikini by accident. I am here shearching for it like 15 minutes now. I can't believe myself." Misty kneeled next to her.
"I can give you one, I brought 2! Don't worry Miss Cordelia It's okay!"
Cordelia looked up at her and grinned. "Thank you so much, you're a life safer!"
By this time Misty went to her own side and searched the plus bikini in her bag. "You know I'm so happy that we are here, you do so much work at the Academy and finally you can rest a little. You highly deserve this. Aaand here it is" she found the swimwear. "I go outside and wait for you while you change out, then we can go in the lake together." She handed the bickini to her and smiled lovingly.
Cordelia blushed a little.
"Thank you for saying this, but you deserve it too. You learnt so much in the previous short time. You can really be proud of yourself and I'm proud of you!"
Misty smiled widely and suddenly hugged Cordelia. "Nobody ever said that they were proud of me." She lowered her voice while she buried her face into the Supreme's neck. "Thank you, it means a lot" she whispered. They felt hot in their chests. When they hugged Misty only could think about that in this position their souls are connecting and melting in each other. They stayed this way longer than it would be neccessary and they just breathed in the other's scent. Than Misty pulled away, she gave the supreme a last smile and started to get up. When Misty was headed out of the tent the Supreme for a moment glanced to the cajun't bare butt and the sight sent chills down on her spine. Than she immediately looked away and was really ashamed by her action. How could she even let herself to look at that direction?

'She's my student, I can't allow this. I can't think of her that way. It's so inappropriate. But she's so adorable and kindhearted and loveable and deepthinker and... wait stop.. I do this again. How could I stop thinking about her? No no no, just think of something else. I can't behave like a weirdo shy teenager' Her hearth started to beating fast and she felt like she just want to be buried alive. When the Cajun disappeared she started to change her clothes. 'Yeah.. I definetly have feelings for her...'.

She came out of the tent and met Misty outside. In the Cajun's hand there were a ball.
"Finally you are ready. I will win over all of you in volleyball" she smirked and started to run towards the water "catch me if you can" she laughed.
Cordelia broke into a smile and ran after the girl without thinking and was trying to take the ball from her, cost what it may. Misty was standing back to her while she protected the ball so Cordelia attempted to get the ball by hugging the cajun from behind. While they were laughing and fighting for the ball on the shore Misty's feet bumped into a medium sized rock, so both of them fell to the sand. Cordelia was falling to her back and Misty was falling to the Supreme's chest. Both of them became worried for a moment and just stared each other but when they realized that they didn't get any injury they started to smile and blurted into laughing. Their body were touched everywhere and their faces were really close to the other's.
"I'm happy you are okay" Misty almost whispersd to her. The laughing stopped but they smiled to the other and suddenly for a tiny moment Misty's eyes wondered to Cordelia's lips and than back to the eyes. The supreme noticed this but couldn't decide if it was by accindent and didn't mean anything or the other way. Misty climbed up from Cordelia and helped her to stand up as well. Than they went to the other girls, who were having fun in the water. All of them were playing volleyball.

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