The second night

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They headed back to the shore and finally they arrived. They got out of the boat. Mallory and Cordelia helped to Queenie.

"Why is she so drunk? She barely drank." Cordelia stated.
"She drank shots with me when nobody payed attention. I'm sorry I didn't know it will be that harmful for her." Nan explained while she was worried for her friend.

"It's okay girls... It happens. I'm going to help her." Cordelia felt that there is alcohol in her body, but if her help was needed she always gathered herself up.

While she helped to Queenie the others made campfire again and picked a music on Madison's portable JBL music speaker. They started to shouting the lyrics and dancing. Misty were jumping with Zoe. But when the music swiched neither of them liked it so Misty and Zoe sat down next to the fire and started to talking.

"It was so cool" Misty laughed and Zoe opened a wine.

"Yees I loved that song. I can't believe they like this what is on now... uhmm Misty don't get this in the wrong way, I don't want to be rude or anything but I have drunk enough to be really honest."

"Don't worry just tell me." She smiled kindly. Misty was kinda sober. She felt the alcohol but she was okay.

"Do you have feelings for Cordelia?" She asked shyly "Don't worry you can trust me. I ask this because now at the boat..."

"Don't continue. I got it. Uhm well... to tell the truth.. yes I have." She was quiet for some minutes after she said it out loud. She was frightened, excited, happy and scared at the same time. She started to laugh. Zoe was a little confused why was she laughing.

"Oh my god Zoe. I just said it out loud. I said it. Oh god. Wha.." she couldn't even say the wohle sencence because of her own laugh. She was so relieved. She kept this secret to herself for too long. Oh how much she was relieved.

"Hey Misty it's okay." Zoe hugged her while she smiled as well. But then she felt the Cajun is no more laughing. She was crying. "I'm so sorry Zoe."

"What's wrong? Everything is alright, everything is alright." She hugged Misty and rocked her like she was a little baby. (Okay this time Misty realized that maybe she's a little more drunk than she expexted)

"It's just... She will never feel the same way Zoe... I'm so not enough for her. And even if she feel the same, she would never admit it, she's my teacher and I'm her student and our age difference is a problem too, isn't it? And.. and.. and.." she cryied so hard that she almost forgot to breath.

"Hey hey hey don't say things like this please. You should try. And she even drank a shot when it was about to kiss the next person who sits next to her. And it was you. It was you. Misty don't be so scared." She smoothed Misty's back.

Misty calmed down a bit and she pushed herself away from Zoe's hug. "Thank you so much. I'm so sorry I blurted out. I'm sure it is because I'm not sober. When I drink I am more emotional than in my normal state." She laughed a bit in her shame.

"There is no problem." Zoe smiled to her. "But listen this is a good song" and she jumped up.

"Thank you but I think I go to my tent instead and try to sleep. Have fun!" Misty smiled and went inside her tent.
She heard the music for some time but then it was silence. Everybody went to sleep.

About 15 minutes after Misty Cordelia also appeared in their tent. She though Misty is asleep so she tried to stay quiet. She slowly changed her clothes and laid down next to Misty.

"Hey" Misty whispered to her with a light smile while her eyes were shut. Cordelia returned her the greeting. Then they wished good night to each other and tried to sleep but neither of them were able to. Both of them went inches closer and closer to the other. Finally their faces were inches apart. They just lied there and breathed in and out, in and out. Their heart were beating faster than their entire life. Both of them swallowed hard and they heard their heart in their ears. Their bodies were closer and closer but their eyes were shut. Both of their thoughts were around 'Does she know that we almost touching? Does she know that I feel her that way? Is she even awake or she just sleeping and it is an accident that we are this close? What will happen if I kiss her? Will she reject me or will she kiss back? Could I even try?'
And then they were so close that they literally breathed in the air what the other breather out. Their lips were almost touching.
Cordelia gulped and opened her eyes for a minute. But then she realized that Misty's were already open. Both of them shut their eyes immediately and their heartbeat were more quicker and their breathing became faster also. In that moment both of them knew that the other was exactly knew what would happen. Misty gulped and she went even closer. Their lips were sligltly scratching and than in a really slow motion both of them went a little more closer. Their lips were touching that time. Bot of them melted into that kiss what they waited for so long time ago. Their shaking lips were danced soflty and shyly. Misty pulled away for a minute and they opened their eyes. Misty saw in Coredelia's a huge desire. Than she kissed her again. This time it was more intense. She cupped Cordelia's face and kissed her with that amount of desire what she saw in her eyes. Cordelia's hand went to the Cajun's waist. Her's tounge licked Misty's buttom lip to asking for permission and Misty gave her. Cordelia tucked her tounge between Misty's lips where the two met. Their tounges danced together like they were long missed lovers who finally got back together after years. Like they were missing each other in their entire life. Then they pulled away and stared into each other's eyes.

"Cordelia I have to tell you something and I think there won't be more perfect moment." Misty whispered and her heart wanted to jump out of her cest. "I have feelings for you. And they're definitely more than I feel toward friends. I like you so much. I hope it won't ruin our relationship..."
She tried to confess her feelings desperatedly.

Cordelia felt so relieved now. She interrupted Misty with a big bear hug and she whispered into her ear. "I feel the same way". She said it with so much happiness in her voice.
"That's good" Misty felt Cordelia's heart. "Your heart is beating so fast" she added while she were smiling like and idiot.

"It is because of you" and she tightened the embrace and grinned as much as Misty. "You know... you are my soulmate Misty Day".

They were lying there for a long time and then they fell asleep in each other's arms with smile on their lips.

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