Training Session #1: Defensive Driving Course

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The truck did not stop racing down the rocky pathway. Even when it collided with full speed into other moving trucks, it still kept on moving. Even when the collided trucks flipped over and crash landed into the ground, it still kept on moving. Even when other mercenaries fell off the moving truck, it still kept on moving. It couldn't stop, because it would be it's only perk of survival.


'Don't look back' kept lingering in that girl's mind as she was holding her AS50 Sniper Rifle steadily in her hands.

'Don't look back huh,' She thought in her head.

It was completely different than what she had been taught before. Yeah, Before.

An automatic timer started to tick in her head. She slowly closed her eyes and her heart started to beat in time with her ticking. The loud voices kept rattling inside her head.







'He got my name wrong again.'

She opened her eyes right away as soon as her ticking ended. Loading the rifle on the box of ammo and positioning herself a certain way, she sharply looked through the built in scope and pulled the trigger.


The Rifle started shooting out dozens of bullets. Exactly 5 rounds in 1.6 seconds based on current calculations. It shot every single one of them that was in it's radius. The sound of screams shot through her head, but her finger was still on the trigger, until she couldn't hear anymore of the ferocious screaming.

'Over huh.'


But the sounds of screaming kept ringing inside her head.


'That mission...'

She walked in line with the rifle in her hands.

'Was just a training session.'

She was right. That was just training. Defensive driving to be exact.

'I couldn't use my quirk huh.'

She walked into her tent, getting ready for the next meeting. As she reloaded her rifle, she was thinking about what the agency had thought of her. Working for HS Agency was one thing, but the fact that they recruited a 17 year old in third year high school(or whatever they calculated). Being a Mercenary was tough, tougher than she thought.

HS Agency: One of the special agencies that fight villains in different countries; rarely uses their quirk.

'That would mean...'

She wouldn't be able to use her mutant abilities on missions. But she is able to use her jumping abilities instead.

'I've only been here for 3 months so...'

Someone then knocked on the wooden block, hammered to the floor outside of her tent.

"Hey! Tsuyu! The meeting is starting!"

After her gun was loaded, she wrapped it around her shoulder and headed to the base tent where all of the other mercenaries were. Most of them were males and in their 20's, which made her a little uncomfortable. The so-called 'leader' stood in front of them all.

"As you may know, that 'mission' was just training. That training session is needed to complete the new mission that will be granted to one of you."

'One of us huh...'

As the main point of the meeting was over, everyone else was given tasks to do before supper time.

"Tsuyu! You have the break huh?" one of her 'friends' asked her as he slapped her back.

"I do..."

Most people would talk to her because she was a girl, and that she was young, but not because of her skill. Not many people really cared about such a thing when taking their breaks, but she didn't care.

"I'm going to Section 1-A."

"Okay then!"

He then left her alone, which made her a little happy. Walking alone with her rifle strapped around her shoulder, she headed over to Section 1-A.

Section 1-A: An area where campfires are held for fun. Tsuyu likes going there because of the name: Section 1-A = Class 1-A

As she sat on the rotten log, closest to the unlit bonfire, she couldn't help but think about the time when her 'leader' recruited her. It was quite distinct since it happened in her class when they first met each other.

"I want to recruit that girl," he said as he pointed towards.

'Me? Why me?' she thought in her head.

Mr. Aizawa stood up.

"But Asui is only 17 she can't-"

The atmosphere became even darker.

"I chose her, and you can't change that."

He forcefully grabbed her by the arm and dragged her outside of the classroom.

"Why are you taking me?" she asked, frightened.

He glared at her.

"You are in no position to ask questions."

'So that's what happened huh....I wonder why...'

Her head started to hurt a bit.

"Hey! Tsuyu! The leader is calling you!" one of her friends called her in the distance.

She stood up right away and headed back to the base tent.

"Sir? You called-"

She was about to ask why she was called but she noticed a familiar face standing right next to him.

"Sui! I'm sure you know him."

The person shoved his hands in his pockets.

"He's Katsuki Bakugo, he's joining our agency and partnering up with you with the mission I will be assigning to both of you."

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