Elite Stages #16: Last Forever

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"Nighthawks is M.I.A?"

Hitoshi was lost for words, and Tsuyu understood that.

"I wonder why...."

He stepped back.

"What kind of 'missing' are we talking about?"

Tsuyu sighed as she looked from side to side, dragging him into a random empty room.

"There could be 3 common acts."

"Like it can be actually missing?"

She nodded.

"Someone may have stolen it. Or someone may have just taken it by accident. Kero."

Hitoshi scratched his head.

"Someone may have just put the sign there to annoy the people that know about the drug."

"Well at least we know something. Someone must know that the people doing the mission are here..."

"And those people may be..."

"Experiencing the same things as us."

Tsuyu opened the door slightly.

'Hm? I hear voices?'

She gave a signal to Hitoshi in what was going on, and they both exited the room slowly. Both of them leaned against the wall and heard the voices coming from the corner. Tsuyu had her revolver out in case something bad happened.

"----so I----but they--know----I'll---"

'I can't hear the person?'

Tsuyu then heard a loud booming sound from the corner.

'Sounded like a phone call....'

"I'll tell you what-----"

'That voice is....!'

The voice she was hearing from the phone was awfully familiar to her.

'The leader?!!!! WHAT?!??!'

"If----means so much to-----then maybe-----"

She squinted her eyes.

'Who are they talking about?'

The call then ended right away, and they both heard the footsteps approaching their way.

'Maybe I should.'

As the person turned around the corner, Tsuyu knocked them down to the floor with the back hand of her gun. They fell face first, and Tsuyu caught the phone just before it was about to fall on the ground.

"You actually knocked...him out?"

"...He doesn't look important."

Tsuyu looked at the unlocked phone. Hitoshi dragged the person into the room they were in before.

"Recent contacts..."

She found some names on the phone which were awfully familiar to her.

"Huh? The Anti-Antagonist?"

"That's very helpful..."

She found more recent contacts of the leader which made her annoyed, until she found 2 contacts that put a shock to her system.

"Huh? WHy the heck is my name on this?!"

"You've gotta keep it down!!!"

She kept it down.

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