Chapter 2

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☆ Luke's Point of View ☆

   I had been pacing up and down the hallway for minutes now thinking of what to do. I hated going to the front desk for anything, let alone this late. That was my last resort option.

   I ended up stopping after hearing a door click open two doors down from me. My eyes went wide when I saw who was standing there.

   Sierra Deaton. A reoccurring character on the show and one of my closer friends on set. We hadn't talked in some time though as we grew distant between seasons.

   My heart skipped a beat once I saw her.

   She was standing in the doorway of her room looking at me, seeming concerned. She had no makeup on and was dressed in pajamas but still looked stunning. She had beautiful black hair and a lovely tan complexion. Not to mention those eyes...

   My heart skipped a second beat.

   "Luke? Are you ok?" She asks softly.

   "I... umm..." I pause for a moment, too embarrassed to admit what was happening. "I kind of left my key in the room." I eventually manage to get out.

   "Are you guys locked out?" She asks as I look off for a second and sigh. She begins to look more sympathetic as she frowns. "She's gone again isn't she?"

   I nod my head as she steps out of the way and gestures for me to come in.

   "It's fine, you don't have to." I say as she looks at me almost angrily.

   "I'm not letting you sleep in this hallway Luke, you're coming inside now!" Sierra orders. I hesitantly walk into her room, looking around and seeing it is much cleaner and nicer looking than mine.

   Sleepovers weren't uncommon to me as most of my cast members were aware that my mother wasn't around much. This was one of the first times it was done out of necessity though.

   "You sure your parents won't mind?" I ask unsurely as she sits down on the couch and grabs the remote. I close the door and sit down on the other side of the small couch.

   "They aren't home, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind anyways." She says somewhat confidently, so I give in and sit back.

   "Where are they?" I ask curiously as I yawn, noticing the time had grown even later.

   "They're out at some conference upstate. I think it's for some production agency but I'm not sure." She says which surprises me.

   "That's funny, my mom is upstate too." I say as she shrugs it off.

   "Small world." Sierra says as she lays back into the couch, flipping through the channels on her television.

   We eventually decide to watch a romantic comedy, even though I wasn't really looking forward to it. We watched it silently, with few comments and the occasional laugh. That was until I noticed her looking off to the side, seemingly in deep thought.

   "Are you okay Sierra?" I ask concerned as she turns to look at me and looks back down, taking a deep breath as she does so.

   "I just feel like you've been avoiding me lately. How long has it been since we've spent time together away from the set?" She says softly, clearly in a more serious mood. This caught me very much off guard. My heart had began to beat faster.

   "Way too long." I finally muster out quietly, as we both are looking away, taking in the emotions and keeping them hidden.

   "Yeah. I started to feel like you didn't like me anymore." She says softly once again, sending shivers down my spine. I shake my head, disappointed in myself for acting so weird around her.

   "I-I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to make you feel bad. I promise." I say shakily as we now look at each other and share a gaze for a few moments.

   She sighed and looked back to the TV. I frowned and looked back myself.

   I was scared that she was mad until I felt something soft resting on my shoulder. I look down to see Sierra's head laying on my shoulder with a relaxed look on her face. I immediately felt my face heat up.

   After a few minutes of this I notice her shifting, seemingly uncomfortable. I decide to go for a bold move.

   I pick my arm up and put it behind her head, resting my hand around her shoulder. She nuzzles closer into me, now resting her head on my chest.

   "Comfy?" I ask smugly as she giggles.

   "I've had better pillows, but I'm not that picky." She jokes back as we share a laugh and stay like this until the end of the movie.

   It ended with two characters who hated each other the entire movie randomly kissing and living happily ever after. As if the movie wasn't already boring, it was unrealistic as hell.

   "That was a pretty dumb ending. What do you think?" I ask tiredly, noticing that I got no response. I look down and notice that she is fast asleep with a tiny smile at the corner of her lips. She was adorable while she was asleep.

   I got up slowly, picking her up bridal style. I wasn't the strongest kid but I didn't have much trouble carefully carrying her to her bed. I softly set her down on the bed and tucked her in, making sure not to wake her.

   I return to the couch, laying down and drifting off into a deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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