12 Boyfriend? Or not...

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It was now Friday. The day I've been waiting for. Finally I was going to see Ajay and we were going to put Plan C #1 in action. The Plan C was Autumn's idea. The girls wanted to see Cody reactions after seeing me with Ajay.

I couldn't focus in class. I kept on texting him all day! I was so excited!

As I was going to my locker Jasmine said,

"Hey, loser. We heard what you did this morning, and snitching is SO not cool. Even if it IS someone we hate, we're still against snitching, because when you grow up, you're gonna be all on your own. We'll all be on our own, no one to fight our battles for us. You gotta fight your own battles, stand up for yourself." For a second, a look of pity flashed through Jasmine's eyes, and I thought she was going to smile. But that look vanished as quickly as it came, and she rolled her eyes at me when I didn't answer. "Loser," she said and walked away with Tiffany.

"Those girls are real nightmares!" Said Ophelia walking towards my locker with Autumn.

"Oh hey girls. Who cares about these, they don't deserve the attention so let's not give it to them." I said firmly.

"Well said. But now... TODAY IS THE BIG DAY GIRL!!!!!!" They both said screaming.

Everyone in the hallway turned around to see what was going on. Omg I was so embarrassed!

"Girls lower down the voice please!" I said.

"Ok I got to admit we kind of overreacted a little but still. Omg I can't wait to meet Ajay and see Coconut's (Cody's nickname) face!"

"A little?"

"Ok a lot happy?"

"Very! I can't wait either."

"You can't wait what?" Asked Nicholas as Cody, him and Tristan were coming.

"Oh well, my best friend Ajay, is coming today to pick me up, and since I never get to see him because he lives so far, I'm going to spend the whole weekend with him! I can't wait!" I said excitedly.

"Best friend? Didn't you say he was your boyfriend?" Asked Cody.

Busted. Omg I was busted I had to think fast. I had to find an excuse or everything would be messed up.

"Actually I made a mistake. Since well, umm he's like my best friend. He is my boyfriend but we almost act like best friends. I always get it mixed up ahaha!" I replied nervously.

"Well can we meet this Ajay too? Since were your friends?" Asked Tristan.

"Yes of course, I'm sure he'll love too. Well be better get going. Come on girls! We'll head to english, meet you at lunch?" I replied super fast.

"Ya meet you there." Replied Nicholas.

We walked away and turned to the closest hallway.

"Ouf. Girl, you almost got busted and Cody realized it right away." Said Autumn.

"Ya I know it was so close."

"Did you see his reaction when you said 'ya well he's my boyfriend'? He looked really jealous. I'm not even joking. I'm telling you Vivi, he likes you!"

"It's true Vivi, I saw his reaction too."

"Ok well let's not skip to any conclusions but to be honest, I don't think I should of done that. Now he thinks I have a boyfriend and if I say we broke up, I'll have to fake being super sad and ugh, this is so not what I wanted."

"It's ok Vivi, we're here and we'll figure out a solution." Said Autumn giving me a hug.

"Maybe you should tell him the truth? No I know I'll ask Tristan and Nicholas to say that all this was a game to see his reaction. You'll give a kiss on the cheek to Ajay tonight and hold his hand and than, the guys will start laughing and you will too. Then, we'll tag along and then Cody will ask whats going on and we'll tell him he fell for it. And then you won't need to stress and everyone will be happy."

"Ophelia you are a GENIUS!!! That's perfect. I'll tell Ajay so he'll know."

"We'll explain everything to the guys at lunch."


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