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Jensen's POV-


I almost forgot that Alex could be downright scary at times but amusing all the same. I've been on the receiving end of her wrath quite a few times in the past.....guess I just needed the reminder. And how the hell did she come up with all those ridiculously deadly threats right on the spot? What a wild imagination.

I entered my office and my eyes unmistakably spotted Josh who was sprawled on one of the chairs and playing with a crystal paperweight. I couldn't even bother to roll my eyes and casually walked inside...as usual.

Josh looked up at me and then narrowed his eyes "Why are you going all smiley-smiley dude, it's creeping me out" he commented and that's when I realised a smile had somehow managed to spread wide across my face without my knowledge.

As a response to him I wiped off the stupid grin from my face but a hint of it still remained.

"Wait, wait wait.... did you just come from Alex's office?" He asked leaning forward to look behind me as if he could spot my footprints, the teasing glint on his face gave away that he already saw me, I didn't bother answering him. "I should have known there was something there, especially when you came to my party yesterday." He pointed out.

"Whatever." I mumbled, but my heart wasn't in it. A part of me was still thinking about Alex and about how easy it was for her to intrigue me, she amuses me. She's one of those absolutely rare people who can actually make me laugh without even trying unlike Josh who's always everywhere to annoy me.

"And tell me something ...what was that bet with the beer pong, you just wanted to spend some time with her right? Gosh, you're so meticulous sometimes." He mumbled.

I glared at everything "what do you care, and why are you here, don't you have your own company to run?" I didn't meet his eye, knowing he would see right through me.

Josh made it sound like I came up with an elaborate scheme and trapped her or something, it wasn't like that at all. I just thought since we got off on the wrong foot maybe we can fix it somehow. Was that so wrong?

"Just drop your grumpy act will you, I'm not one of your employees" he scoffed and I ignored him.

"Oh and to answer your question, unlike all those other times, today I do have a reason to come up here, I know you're not really interested about the gossip and news, but this dude... you're gonna wanna check it out" he walked up to my desk and placed a magazine in front of me.

I didn't even spare a glance as I said "celebrity Gossip? You want me to read about who's dating who crap? I'll pass" I rolled my eyes and pushed it back towards him. He ignored my wish and again handed it to me until I took it from his outstretched hand. What the hell is wrong with him today?

"Take a deep breath and prepare yourself for a heartache" Josh joked as I sat in my chair and looked up at him. It's official. My best friend has gone crazy.

The cover page of the magazine had a full length image of Kyle Brook, everyone knew him, he was the current most popular actor in the industry.

"Turn to page 4" Josh said and I wordlessly did as he asked, since there was no escaping this.

I started reading the article and the beginning spoke about how Kyle Brook is at the peak of his career with his work and never ending fan-following, the article then gently dipped into his personal life and talked about a secret romance with someone and how now it's all out in the open-

Employed Epoch Of Alex Brook | Book 1| Humor-Romance (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now