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Alex's POV;


I looked for Anna, she was in-charge of everything, and I wanted to directly hear from her how things were moving along.

Jensen had left me to handle everything, admitting he was hardly an expert in planning social events. I don't know where he wandered off when he got an important phone call. He probably went to see David.

I knocked on her office door and entered when I heard a faint "enter." Anna was a woman in her early thirties, she was petite but intimidating in a refreshing way. Her dark eyes were mysterious and she commanded attention with the way she moved.

She smiled as soon as she saw me, welcomed me with a hand shake and asked me if I had lunch, when I answered no, we decided to talk over food. She knew me well enough and I liked talking about events with her, she clearly knew what she was doing and I could learn a lot from her. Her aura was warm but authoritative.

I discussed briefly about the catering and art exhibitions with Anna, she told me that many artists wanted to auction their art for charity. "There are so many, we need to prioritize and put a limit."

"How much space can we make available?" I questioned, already making calculations in my mind.

"I think there are a total of five exhibit halls, excluding the staging area. Only two of them are circular though, and one is being used for catering." She told me.

"Right, okay...So we can use the other one for sculptures and the other three can be used for wall art and paintings. Let them know we don't have much room for huge sculptures." I told her.

"We can't use the corridors, and we don't want to cramp up things too close, maybe we should tell someone to make measured calculations." All major things were shortlisted and it was only a matter or presentation.

"I know the lake is off limits... but wouldn't it be nice to include it just for sightseeing, it's going to be a full moon on the night of the event and the lake will look beautiful...the guests will like that" Anna suggested.

It wasn't a bad Idea. "I'll see if it's possible." Anna smiled at me widely.

We'll have to take some necessary precautions, but it's definitely doable.

When I started walking towards the lake, out of nowhere Jensen fell in step with me. "Everything good?" He asked.

"Looks like it... I wanna check if the lake can be included for sightseeing." I told him.

"It's possible... " He agreed. We stopped as we approached the edge. "People would probably click a bunch of pictures and most definitely start a new hashtag, actually that's not bad for marketing."

I chuckled, not surprised at his businessy thinking at all.

Water was clear and still, the mirror-effect of the clear waves reflecting the grey clouds and the surrounding trees. It was beautifully silent.

"Do you think it'll pour?" Jensen said, looking at the clouds above.

"I think so... " I shrugged. "I think we need to construct some kind of protective edge so that no one would fall in or try to jump."

"Do you think I should hire a lifeguard, you know... just in case?" He joked, sounding serious.

I laughed, "maybe..."

Jensen bent down to pick up a pebble, he then sent it soaring on the waves, the stone skipped four times before it sank to the bottom, he smiled happily. There was something very simple in that act, it was pure and innocent, like childhood vibrance.

Employed Epoch Of Alex Brook | Book 1| Humor-Romance (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now