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Chapter 23: SO IT SEEMS.


Alex's POV:


The charity event was in the next three days and so all my focus was directed at the upcoming event rather than my actual office work that was piling up.

I had to go back to the venue in half an hour or so, to check the progress and by that time I had to sanction a few ideas regarding a few of our liquid assets. I had already called Anna at the Bloomwood hotel and told her that I might visit.

I stared at the screen of my computer, more like scowled at it, while scrutinizing every word as I scrolled through the records and updated them as I went.

"Who are you and what have you done to my best friend?" Kate walked in, with two coffees and raised a single brow at me. She was dressed in white pantsuit dress and black stilettos.

"What?! I can't work every once in a while, out of my own free will?" I humored her as I looked up at her for a split second before my eyes returned to the computer screen.

"The work suits you ill, my friend" she dramatised in a really bad british accent. I rolled my eyes and laughed at her pretense.

She took a seat and placed one of the coffee on my table, I gladly accepted it, but frowned at the fact that it was Nick's thing.

"Where's Nick?" I asked her, not removing my eyes from the computer screen.

"He's in some meeting" she told me and I nodded at the information.

"So... did you finish planning the charity event?" She asked, when I didn't bother with a change of topic and continued tapping away on my keyboard.

"Not exactly done... but close enough" I dragged my words lazily.

"What do you mean 'close enough'?" She said it like she knew exactly what I meant by that.

"Well I still need to look into a few last minute things" I ended lamely, leaning back in my chair I stretched my arms behind my head.

"Right, have you decided on the dress yet?" She raised her brows and looked at me expectantly.

"What dress?"

"'What dress?!' seriously Alex! Don't you think you'll need a dress for the charity event, or are you planning to show up in your pj's?" She frowned.

"Oh man, I need a dress now? That's such a draaag..." I sighed dramatically, looking at her with a sad pout.

Next thing I knew, I was being shaken in my boots as blood rushed to my head, it seems Kate was adamant on preparing a cocktail out of me.

"I'm calling the boutique, we'll go there after work to choose a dress for you. Okay?" The way she said it, left no room for argument.

"Okay" I sighed in an agreement but smiled despite myself. Kate looked ecstatic about the dress shopping. That makes it one of us.

A few minutes passed in silence, we both just sat there and enjoyed our coffee and each other's company. I quietly contemplated how to word my curiosity, in the end I finally came out and asked what was on my mind.

"Is it not weird that Jensen wanted me to accompany him on this business trip?" There I said it.

"Weird? Not at all" Kate looked up at me after I suddenly spoke and then explained to me calmly "other executives had accompanied him before...in fact it's even mentioned in your job description."

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