I can be good?

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A/N: I can be a good person and actually give you advice on how to live a better life!


Ever since i can remember, it has always been me being the rebel child of the house. Like doing exactly the opposite of what people told me to do. It's like my id (only my psychology babies will understand-but, for those who don't know; id is basically 'something' that works on the pleasure seeking principle) has always over taken my superego (our reminder of the morals and ethics of life). If you're a 13 year old reading this, let me tell you things are not going to be easy and life is a bitch. but guess what? you're a bigger and better bitch. if you're an 18 year old reading this, i'd still tell you the same thing. If you're a 50 year old reading, I'd still tell you the same fucking thing because life is always going to be a bitch regardless of the stage  you are at.

always remember-when life knocks you down, stand the fuck up and say 'you hurt like a bitch!' 


this is not exactly a rant-rant but a live-your-life-better-rant. i can not force you to do things, i can only use words to impact people. i believe i have the power to do so. let's begin now, shall we?


In life, you will meet people who make you feel alive; forget people,you will meet yourself. When you're growing up you have this hunger of figuring things out, and when you don't  do that-you curse yourself. you curse every decision you take. That's not the goal, life will tell you that 'hey! today is a good day to be happy, but at night i will want you to cry!' and most of the times people succumb to that and end up losing on a lot of things that they could have gained if they learnt how to feel alive. 

For me, being alive is sitting with my closest friends and family, listening to them and feeling alive. Most people want big things and they think that once they have those big things they will be happy. But what do we hear? H/She killed him/herself because they felt that they couldn't go on anymore. Now, happiness is not something we buy;we all know that but what about those who sell dreams and peddle love? what about them? they aren't happy. they are alive. they live in the moment,breathe in the moment, be in the moment. That's what we all should do. 

Real Advice- Be a tad bit more alive. Listen to you mother talking about how much she loves a ceramic bowl. Listen to your siblings rant about their college/school life. Listen to your father when he is giving YOU advice. Be alive,just be.


Right off the bat I want to mention that being materialistic is not a huge problem-which is partly because i am materialistic and partly because i feel no shame in being materialistic- being narcissistic is. You think having an iPhone 11 Pro Max will lead you to having a better prestige in the society? (well, it will but xD) It's not a problem if you think this way but if you think otherwise-the "I'm the best" in a very,very real manner- that is a problem. Just because you want to buy something and feel ecstatic, doesn't mean you're 'mean' and 'cunning' and god knows what but rather thinking that you have the absolute best of all the worlds that exist because of a single fucking phone.

Let me give you the real talk and tell you that it does not matter if you are materialistic. But also know that things are good only within a certain limit. Till the time you don't cross that limit, you're all good. Then again, who the fuck am i to tell you how to live your life,right?


Fuck them once, and then do it another time. Keep fucking people who fuck you up. And here's the catch- Do It While You're Silent. Silence is an archetype that we all are predisposed with. But the amount of people this shows up in are very few. You  can be the next one, if and only you are silent when people fucking fuck you up. They'd kill to see you give a fuck. You know it.

#4)GROW THE FUCK UP (only for the ones who need to, not you cute ,little and adorable babies.)

To all my immature babies out there who need to grow up- please grow up. I know age is just a number but what age are we really talking about here?

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