Pineapples do belong on pizza. Read that again.

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A/N: This is the rant that y'all thought you didn't need but deserve. 


let's just say that as much as i love criticizing things, i like to put out my quirky nature to the world as well. and my quirky nature is a mixture of a lot of things (fairy godmotherism to begin with) which is in part thanks to my immaturity about a lot of things. now, i don't know how many people know this about me but i love pineapples. and i love pineapples on pizzas too! i don't understand why  people hate it so much(?) like, as we speak, i'm eating a pineapple and it just popped up in my head that i haven't ranted about my love for pineapples which is almost the equivalent of other people's hatred for it! 

almost everyone i know absolutely hates them BUT their mom's love pineapples (My Mother Included And My Sisters Too-they dislike pineapples) i mean, i get it. you don't like some things. but pineapples? what did they ever do to you? there so much widespread hatred for them-i can't even! it's like one person hates them and suddenly everyone hates it too! it's a trend. and pineapples on pizzas- oh??my???god???- i like it. INFACT! i love it. the sweetness, the saltiness, i don't know why people hate on it so much. just relax. there are bigger fish to fry, like anchioves on pizza. that's disgusting.(sprouse,cole, GQ, february,2019

ALL i'm saying is- don't hate somethings that you haven't even tried yet. pls appreciate cuties.OKAY?


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