[1] Blondes With Blue Eyes | Pilot I

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"We're the Pogues, and our mission this summer is to have a good time, all the time."

I walked in a slow pace towards Sarah Cameron, her brother Rafe and boyfriend Topper, thinking it would be fun to piss them off. Again. Messing with them became a habit. Hearing Sarah's scream after I pushed her into fresh mud a few months ago was a big satisfaction to me. And then I was chased by Topper. And although they definitely got sick of me basically ruining their lives, I never did. So I began running, snatched the princess' phone out of her hands and gave her a wide smile.

" Thanks, babes! I'll put it to good use! ", I yelled as I ran. I could hear their shouts behind me, but I didn't really give a damn. Laughter escaped my lungs as I threw the object from one hand to another. I ran through the buildings that were in construction, jumping over a few brick walls. I was hoping some nicer Kooks would move into this neighbourhood, but those don't exist, do they?

" God damn it Desiree, do you ever stop?!", I heard Topper's voice and footsteps behind me. Chuckling, I turned around and threw the phone at him.

" Tell Sarah that I love her! ", Topper scoffed before jogging away to his stuck up friends. " And that she's une chienne obsédée! ".

I made my way through the half built structures, kicking a few lonely pebbles along the way. When my family and I moved here, they tried telling me how good it would be for me if I was friends with the Kooks. How it would build my reputation up and I'd get into college easier. But if I'm being honest, I'd rather not finish college than have self-obsessed churlish friends. And then I met the Pogues. My best and only friends. And I love them to death.

I made my way through a house laughter could be heard from, knowing my friends would be at the back deck. Coming out of the house, I saw Pope standing with a drill in his hand. John B was balancing on the edge of the roof, holding a beer, and I could see JJ's dangling legs next to me. I snickered, muttering a quiet "airheads..". I stretched my arms and groaned, the running making me tired already. JJ offered me a warm smile which I returned and I grabbed a beer from the pack he was holding, leaning on his shoulder.

" That's like a three story drop to your death. ", Pope stated, waving at me with a smile but still talking to John B about his soon and definite death, " I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival."

" Hm, should I do it? ", John B questioned, jocularly.

" Yes, and I'm volunteering to push you, so generous, I know. ", I joked, beginning to climb the roof.

" And I'll shoot you on the way down. " , Pope added, pointing the drill at his friend. John B pointed finger guns at the two of us, pretending to shoot.

" They're going to have Japanese toilets with towel warmers - Hey Des, please don't fall! ", Kiara warned me, " This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about turtles, I guess? "

" Can ya'll please not kill yourselves? ", Kie basically told John B and me. I fist-bumped him and stood behind him.

" Don't spill that beer. I'm not giving you another one. ", JJ informed John B while chugging down his own can of the drink. And just as the blonde said that, John B dropped his beer. Of course.

" Whoa! Oh, shit! ", he groaned, looking at the spilled drink, " Noo! "

" Of course you did. ", JJ and I synchronized. We looked at each other with smirks spread across our faces, " Dumbass..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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