Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

(Seijo Yukari)

We rode the swan boat and we were pedaling on it so, we can move. Then, it has a steering wheel so we could change our direction. It's fun to see the ducks around us! Yay! Kaneki-kun is just quietly pedaling.

Anyway! I bought some bread so, I tore it to small pieces and tossed it to the ducks. They began pecking it and eating it. So cute!

I placed the bread on my hand and held it low for the ducks to eat. They pecked on my hand and ow.. it hurts.. But! Whatever! It's fun!

"Look, look! They're eating on my hand!" I energetically said.

"Idiot! Look what has happened! It's all red and hurt!" Kaneki-kun scolded as he pulled my hand back.

"But, it's fun!" I laughed.

"You're really an idiot, huh."

"Come on, you try it!" I gave him some pieces of bread.

He stared at it for a while.

"Go on!" I initiated.


He placed his hand down and big ducks and swans went him.

"Uwaah!" He exclaimed, moving away and scared.

The boat racked from side to side.

"Hey! Don't move too much! We're gonna fall!" I said as I held on my chair.

(Kirishima Touka)

As soon as my shift ends, I went out of Anteiku to go to the library. I need some research material for my report tomorrow..

Speaking of going out, I wonder what Kaneki and Yukari are doing..

Ah! Crap! Don't think of unnecessary things!

"Tsk." I clicked my tongue as I resumed walking to the library.

I went inside and showed my ID. I went to the shelf where it contained science related things. I took the the book about Natural Science.

Oh, and I need a book about Social Science as well..

I searched for it thoroughly. Ah, found it. I took it but, something caught my attention. It's written by Seijo Gaitou. Haha, what a coincidence, it's the same surname of Yukari.

Out of interest, I picked it out and saw the tittle. 'Rose Apple, The Golden Fruit of Immortality'.

Seriously? There's a book like this?

My curiosity perked up so, I flipped it open. I read the first few details and I knew them already so, I flipped more pages.

It says, the Rose Apple will naturally give off energy when the certain emotions are met. These are shame, terror, anxiety, pain, and the most complicated is love. However, the receiver will only gain the energy if it was meant for him.

Oh, really? I didn't know that. This is a new discovery. Seijo Gaitou, huh.. At the end of the page, there were details about Seijo Gaitou and it appears that he's a Ghoul researcher and investigator, working in CCG.

How interesting. Suddenly, my phone buzzed. Ah, Yoriko was calling me.

Me: Hello?

Yoriko: Touka-chan! Hi!

Me: What is it?

Yoriko: Nothing. Just wondering what you're doing. By the way, how's your report?

Me: Ah, I forgot! I'll start right away.

Yoriko: Oh, I see. Then, I must be bothering you--

Me: No, you're not! If you want, you can come and help me. I'm in the library right now.

Yoriko: Okay! I'll come over!

She hung up. Sorry but, I'll have to read this book sometime. I need to create my report now.

(Seijo Yukari)

After the swan boat we took a walk on the park. It has a beautiful scenery. Then, we came upon an ice cream shop. I excitedly ran to it. I looked at the flavor selection. I'm gonna choose strawberry!

"One strawberry ice cream please." Kaneki-kun said to the man who's selling.

I looked at him, surprised.

"I'm gonna treat you today, right?" He said with an expressionless face.

"Oh, that's right. Thanks." I said.

The ice cream seller gave me the strawberry ice cream. I tasted it and wow! It's yummy!

"Delicious!" I squealed with delight.

It has three scoops and it's so delicious! I'm in heaven--


Someone bumped my shoulder and the ice cream fell from the cone to my hand. I was surprised as I lost my ice cream.

"Hahaha! Look at that, the ice cream fell on her hand!"

"That must've been embarrassing!"

"She's such a klutz!"

"Too bad for the boyfriend! Hahaha!"

Hearing those negative comments made me lose my confidence. I want to run away where there's no one.. It's so embarrassing..

Kaneki-kun suddenly took my hand that's filled with ice cream. He moved his face closer to my hand.

He licked the ice cream on my hand.

"W-Wait! What are you--"

He kept on licking it until he finished the ice cream on my hand. My heart throbbed and I couldn't stop blushing.

"Waah! What an outrageous boyfriend!"

"He's not embarrassed at all!"

"His girlfriend is so lucky!"

Kaneki-kun covered for me.. He has saved me again.. He does look cool when he saves me.

"Well, that was sweeter than the actual ice cream" He said with a sweet smile.

I can't help but laugh.


He suddenly walked faster, pulling me with him so, I won't get separated. We reached a place where there are no people. He covered his mouth and sweat was running down his face.

"Are you alright, Kaneki-kun?!" I worriedly said.

"K-Kuh..!" He exclaimed, holding his mouth like he was in pain.

"Kaneki-kun! What's wrong?!"

"Ting.." He mumbled.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"The ice cream was so disgusting!!" He loudly exclaimed.

"Eh?" I tilted my head.

"With that disgusting cream melting in my mouth, I feel like dying! It tasted like total crap that's cold and soft! Ugh.. I wanna vomit.." He blurted out, totally hating the ice cream.

Oh.. Yeah, he was a Ghoul and of course, he can't eat human food.

"You're an idiot aren't you? Why did you eat the ice cream if you hated it?" I said teasing him.

"Hah? It's because they were making fun of you." He said, looking away and frowning.

It made my heart squeezed tightly. He looked so cute with him frowning and slightly flushed.. So cute..!

End of Chapter 66

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