Robostus Returns

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"Curses!" Hawkmoth howled tossing his cane into the nearest wall. "Every akuma I send is absolutely useless!" After the utter failure of Miracle Queen Hawkmoth has all but fallen in a rut. Forced to return to his monotonous strategy of waiting for Paris' citizens to inevitably become distraught enough to manipulate.
"What is their secret?" Hawkmoth groans aloud knowing full well only Nathalie behind him can actually hear his lamenting out loud. "They work seamlessly together like never before my best laid plans have only made them stronger than ever" he looks through the fading eyes of his latest akuma. He barely remembered why they even became akumatized, something about missing a subway train and being late to a job interview or some such nonsense. They had been transformed into a villain bolstered by fighter jet like armor that could fly at high speeds but a lot of good that did when Ladybug's Yo-yo yanked him straight out of the air and into the Seine. She hadn't even used her lucky charm on the last 2 villains. Or called on any of her allies since their identities had been revealed making Mayura's efforts at shadowing them effectively useless.
The last glimpses of ladybug and Chat Noir faded from his vision and something caught his eye. Ladybug and Chat exchanged something while glancing at their weapons. Gabriel pondered for a moment and recalled he had seen them use them as communication devices before, an ability his miraculous seemed to lack due to his ability to communicate through his akumas. But the way they worked was almost like a cell phone. An idea or atleast the ghost of one formed in Hawkmoth's mind.
"If they can communicate with eachother through their weapons... they must send some kind of signal" he mused stroking his chin. "And if there's a signal... perhaps I can track it to find their identities."
"If I may Hawkmoth, the idea is sound but surely a signal created through magic like that would be nigh impossible to track by normal means" Nathalie remarked stoically.
"Yes but I think I know an akuma who can get the job done" Gabriel dismissed his transformation and held out his hand in which Nathalie promptly put his tablet. After a few taps the image of Lila Rossi appeared. "Miss Rossi" Gabriel smirked. "I have a new assignment for you."

Marinette could honestly say this was the happiest she'd been in a long while. She had initially thought becoming the guardian would be much more stressful than she already was but honestly it had been a breeze so far. She and Chat had been working better together than ever.
She was even beginning to enjoy his flirting. Not that she would admit it.
Today especially had been wonderful. Chloe hadn't been in school since the Miracle Queen incident and Lila had been all but ignoring her. But best of all she finally could hold normal conversations with Adrien without being a stuttering mess... ok she still stuttered a lot but not even half as bad as before!
Content would be the best way to describe her feelings as she and Alya relaxed on the steps of Mme. Bustier's classroom.
She didn't even care that most of the class was gathered around Lila in the back waxing rhapsodically about her latest lie. Marinette couldn't even bring herself to listen... atleast until the arguing started. Huh so this is what it looked like from the outside.
"You're so amazing Max I can't believe you made an A.I. All by yourself." Lila's voice dripped with illusory elation.
"Oh it was very difficult indeed I doubt anyone else in the school could have accomplished it" Max adjusted his glasses and earned a friendly elbow from Kim.
"He's just so amazing" Lila smiled admiringly at Markov as the robot floated next to his creator.
"Why thank you" Markov's display turned to a jovial emote.
"But of course the real genius is Max for making you right?" Lila's words began to jab and Marinette felt her blood curdle ever so slightly.
"I mean I suppose- Max began but was cut off.
"After all it's the puppet master you applaud not the puppet right. Without you Markov would be nothing." Lila's fangs sunk in.
"I mean maybe technically" Max stumbles over his words.
"Max?" Markov turned to his creator. "You don't actually believe that do you? I'm not a puppet to you am I?"
"N-no of course not you uh you're-
"Uh oh does somebody need a reboot?" Lila chuckled, the crowd subtly joined her. Marinette felt her hair stand on end.
"Y-you do dont you!" Markov's display became one of dismay and he flew off out of the classroom.
"Wait Markov!" Max ran off after his creation.
"Oh my how dreadful" Lila quickly deflected everyone's concerns into another lie and conversation continued as Marinette sighed internally. So much for her relaxing day.

The akuma didn't take long. Hawkmoth oh so loved watching the window of his sanctum twirl open. His one hidden dismay was his enemies never got the chance to see it.
"Fly my akuma and let the games begin!"
The butterfly found its mark rather quickly. Or should he say, it's Markov. The AI was captured as it hovered above the school out of its masters reach.
"Robostus" Hawkmoth mused with a voice like liquid asphalt. "It's been a while, I have a special mission for you that should prove you are superior to your creator in every way." The villain whispered the malicious idea into the AI's programming.
"Ladybug and Chat Noir must use some kind of signal to communicate with each other through their miraculous. Divide their efforts then when they try to keep in touch hack the system and find who they really are!"
"Yes Hawkmoth" Robostus growled. The red dynamo hovered briefly using its mastery of technology to control the cars and machines in the streets to form several small mecha drones and sent them scurrying in opposite directions to cause chaos. The villainous machine then flew off toward the Eiffel Tower, the height would give him the range he needed to detect their signal no matter where it was.

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