"Newt, please."

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Alex's POV

My eyes go wide as Newt's big hands wrap around my neck. My blood goes cold. My breath hitches. I deaspratly try to pry Newt's hands off my neck, but they remain solid like concrete. My vision starts becoming blotchy and the air spirals with dots. Newt's black pit eyes flash in my mind. I can't hurt Newt. I will never forgive myself. I try to scream loudly but all that comes out is a series of quiet groans and grunts. Newt looks at me with pure hatred and I wonder what I have done to deserve this. My life has been taken away. My memories vanished. And now Newt- wishing for me to die.

I stomp my black boots on his shaggy shoe- trying to create the smallest amount of pain I can for him to let me go. He remains solid and still, glaring at me with those black, beady eyes. I grunt as my head spins with dizziness. Newt's hair becoming a blonde swipe of color. The Rat Man's words echo in my head as I feel my stomach doing painful knots and twists.

Alex. I have a very simple task for you.

Tears produce in my eyes as I gradually feel myself getting weaker and weaker. I have no power. This is it. I would rather die than live a life without Newt.

You wouldn't want to see the things that will happen to you.

The man hoarsely whispers again like a ghost that haunts me. I frail around desperately trying to escape his grueling strength. Newt barely even flinches. I can't believe Newt betrayed me like that. Has the strange man got into his head too? I know my time is limited when I notice my hands transformed into an alien-like purple. I grunt.

"Newt." I hoarsely whispered. He grunts squeezing harder against my neck. Wanting me to die sooner. I close my eyes-hoping the agonizing pain in my head while lessen. When I flutter my eyes open, everything shifts in unnatural angles and my dizziness makes me want to throw up. My feet has pins and needles, aching like my head. I know I have to hurry.

"Newt I love you- please don't do this." I breathe out in a quiet, strangled voice. The words roll off my lips naturally. I do love Newt- I realize. I do. More than anything. I felt his hands gradually loosen. Suddenly, I notice the ash black in his eyes transform slowly back to his brown eyes. I gasp.

"Newt. Please." I grunt wincing at the prickling, pulsing pain in my head. I felt my eyes go heavy. Death on the verge.

His orbs finally turn fully brown. Its like he is finally aware of what he is doing, when he releases me. I splutter and choke on my own breath, breathing now foreign to my lungs. I hunch over trying to regain my breath. Leaning back against the tree, I grasp tightly onto a long hanging branch to stop my dizziness. Everything sharpens and the trees become motionless. I wearily look up at Newt, breathing heavily.  Pure shock is written on his face. He is about a metre away from me, his eyes wide and normal again. His hand that just choked me placed over his mouth. His eyes are watery and tears stream down his face. I sigh.

"What was that?" I breathe.

He stays still for a long period of time. Barely even blinking, still in shock. After about 2 minutes, he looks into my eyes. I could see fear and regret. I struggle to hold his gaze.  My heart says I love him. My head says he is untrustworthy. He puts his head in his hands, sniffling faintly.

"They controlled me."


Hey guys :) I want to thank you all.. 1K veiws thats amazing! Please comment down below if you would like me to do an update everyday :D I will dedicate every chapter to a random person who eiether votes or comments! Thank you all!

*hugs everyone*

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