Chapter. Sixteen

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A/N: Don't forget to vote! It makes me happy to know that people are enjoying this weird story. Lol. Thank you for reading! ♥ 
Also, this is unedited, so I'm sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes. [:

Julia's POV • 

"You what!?" Lindy squealed. I almost choked in shock as she pounced forward and grabbed my hands. She squeezed tightly, a huge smile on her tanned face. 

After recovering from her small outbreak I repeated, "I forgave him," 

"For, what? Like, everything?!" She asked in a high voice. She bobbed up and down in excitement. Her hair swayed behind her, bouncing each time she spoke. I looked at her with a crooked smile. It always amazed me at how excited this girl got over such little things that shouldn't concern her.

"Like, everything." I repeated, nodding. Surprisingly, I was beginning to get excited as well. I wasn't sure if it was because of Harry, or because of Lindy, but I didn't miss the bubbling feeling at the pit of my stomach. 

It was noon now, and the boys had left to pick up some lunch. We had to force them out of bed ourselves. Try pulling two muscular men with hangovers out of bed to pick up food. It wasn't easy. Lindy and I almost gave up, until a Nandos commercial played on the TV.

"OH MY GOD" Lindy screamed. She sprang to her feet and did a little happy-dance. "Yes! You have no idea how excited I am right now!" 

"Why are you excited?" I asked while laughing at her odd dance moves. 

"Because, Harry is one of my oldest friends. I know how happy you make him... And to know that you forgave him means that he is happy, which makes me happy." She tried to explain, however I couldn't wrap my head around her explanation. 


"Okay. Wow. I'm sorry, that just made me so happy." Lindy giggled while plopping herself down on the chair across from me. "Now, I've got to talk to you. This is coming from one girl to another--not from Harry's close friend to his potential girlfriend. Got it?"

I nodded. I was confused, but I wanted to know what Lindy had to say. So I didn't ask any questions, or make any comments. I let her continue to begin her speech of some sort.

"Harry has this... reputation, I guess. He never settled down with a girl. For him, it was always find a girl, have sex with her until he got bored, and then dump her. That process repeated for a long time. While that happened... He got addicted to taking drugs... He always borrowed money from people because he couldn't afford the cost of the drugs he was consuming. He would get high, and I guess that made life easier for him. Jace and I would try to make him stop but he'd get mad. Really mad. At some point we were certain he had anger issues. Only since he met you has he stopped with the drugs." 

By the time Lindy paused my eyes were huge and I was one hundred percent intrigued by Harry's past. He had never shared anything about his past before he saw me in the diner. I would never have guessed that Harry was once addicted to drugs. 

"I thought it was nearly impossible to stop," I commented.

"It is. That's why we--Jace and I--believe you are his kryptonite. It's completely inordinate that he would give up on f*cking whores, and smoking pot for a girl. But he did. He did it all, without even speaking to you. He really, really likes you, Julia." Lindy spoke seriously now. Her voice was hard and flat, and she was slightly leaned forward. 

"It's almost unrealistic."

Lindy nodded. "Yeah, I thought so too. But when I finally got to meet you, and see how he looked at you, I understood it. I understood how he felt about you. He looks at you like a dog would like at it's owner. Harry adores you; you have so much power over him. To know that you're opening up to him, and giving him a chance, must make him the happiest he has ever been. Believe me, Julia, Harry has had a hard life."

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