Chapter. Thirteen

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A/N: You should really consider reading the authors note at the end of this chapter:) It's kind of important I suppose. :b -Caitlyn


"Don't touch me," I growled at Harry as we walked along the side of the damp street. For the past fifteen minutes, Harry had been trying to continuously hit on me. Even though I straight out told him that I wasn't into him. 

"You're overreacting." Harry insisted, removing his hand from my shoulder. 

I glared at him. "I'm overreacting? Seriously? You kissed me, Harry! And you did that even after everything I've been through! That's disgusting." 

"God, Julia. I love you, I really do--" I looked at him and glared. "--but you need to stop pitying yourself so much. You've had it rough, and I will admit that, but you can't keep dragging me down with you. It will get better for you, and I'm just trying to help you."

I scoffed. "By kissing me?" 

"Oh my God, Julia. Give me a break!" 

"No! Why won't you give me a break? You're suffocating me!" I shouted at him. My voice bounced off nearby buildings and echoed loudly. Harry gritted his teeth.

"This is exactly why I question my love for you." He hissed. 

"Oh, please! You don't love me, Harry. Love takes a long time to build up. You can't love me if you hardly know me." I told him while rolling my eyes. It was true. I did not believe in the whole 'love at first sight' ordeal. You can't love someone without knowing them. It's impossible.

"I've known you for more than three years. I hope you didn't forget that. I know everything about you, in precise detail. I know your favorite color, animal, food, pattern... I know that you hate commitment... I know that you've lost connection with your closest friends because you don't go to school anymore." 

"Oh, right, you're my own personal stalker." I recalled.

 Harry chuckled. "Right. And don't you ever forget that, Miss Ross."

"Don't worry," I grumbled. "You'll probably be a memory that I won't forget for a long time."

Harry grinned. "Good. I'm glad we've flew by that touchy subject. Now, why don't you explain to me why you won't give me a chance. I'm really curious. You're all that I want, Julia."

"Please," I growled under my breath. My eyes unknowingly rolled, like they usually do around Harry, before I responded. "Why do you have this undying love for me? I hardly know you. And to answer your question, maybe we could have started off better if you didn't introduce yourself in a creepy, dark, and mysterious way." 

"I thought girls loved that type of sh*t..." He admitted. I smirked, and almost laughed. 

"Not me. It really freaked me out. And to be completely frank, I'm still not comfortable with you; and I don't think I ever will be." 


"I'm being honest." My shoulders shrugged. I was sick of talking about the same thing with him. I wanted to get passed this and have him know that I would never see him as anything more than my stalker. "How many times do we have to talk about this?" 

Harry shook his head. I watched as his curls flopped over his face and he brushed them away. "You know what they say? Passion is erotic. Confidence is seductive. Skin is tempting. Kisses are addictive. And love is beautiful."

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