Chapter. Seventeen

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A/N: Hey guys! :) Welcome to the new year of 2015. Err... Yeah, so ANYWAY, vote & comment on this chapter if you want. Love youuuuuusss. ♥ (ps... sorry for the long wait xoxox) -Caitlyn

• unedited •

♣ 17. ♣ 

 "Welcome back, little f*cker," Jace uttered, humor laced in his voice. Harry flipped off Jace while retrieving the hash-brown I had left him from the fridge.

We were half way through our game, all three of us wearing headbands with cards attached. Lindy was in the middle of 'guessing what she was' when Harry emerged from the guest room. 

"Shut up, Jace. I was busy," Harry growled, sitting beside me on the ground. He bit into his hash-brown, chewing slowly while staring ahead. "You're a flower, by the way," Harry mumbled, food dribbling out of his mouth. He caught it and tossed it back into his mouth. We all moaned, throwing our heads back.

"Damn you, Harry!" Lindy squealed, throwing the card off of her headband. "You're so rude,"

Harry laughed. "It's my talent,"

"You still don't have to ruin our game. Just because you're all crabby doesn't mean everyone else has to be," Lindy growled at him. She tossed her void card into the messy pile of used cards. "F*ck you."

"So anyway," Jace butted in, thankfully changing the subject. "what were you doing back there? I figured you fell asleep but you weren't gone as long as I thought you'd be,"

Harry stared at Jace for a moment before replying. "I couldn't sleep... So I just came back out," 

"I heard you talking in there... Who were you talking to?" I asked, looking up at the curly haired boy. His face turned and he looked at me. His eyes bounced around my face, as if he were studying me. 

"I was talking to myself." He said coolly. I stared into his green eyes for a while. I don't believe you. I mentally said. But then Harry turned forward and faced everyone else. I didn't break my stare. I just looked on at him. I watched as he chatted to Jace and Lindy. His jaw flexed and unflexed as he spoke. I stared at his Adam's apple as it bobbed while he laughed. What are you up to, Styles? 


"I can... Do this..." I grunted as I tugged on a pair of Lindy's jeans. That girl was thin, and even after I had lost so much weight, I couldn't easily fit into her cute light-washed jeans.

I tugged the button over to the hole and squealed as I forced it around. When the jeans were finally buttoned, I zipped them up and sighed. There we go! And they still look good... Kind of. I mean, I have a little bit of muffin top, but I mean... Who cares? I told myself while scoping out the jeans. I was in the guest bathroom by myself. It was almost five at night and we were going out to eat. When I realized I had nothing to wear, Lindy offered me a cute outfit. It was adorable, but I was not as petite as that girl.

"Julia?" I was startled to hear Harry's deep voice on the other side of the door. I was standing without a top on, in super tight jeans, with a boy right there. When that processed I threw on the top Lindy had let me borrow and then opened the door.

"Hey," I smiled a small smile at him. "What do you need?"

"I--Well we're about to leave--" He stuttered. My eyebrows furrowed and then I let out a small laugh. I patted his chest as I scooted by, while shaking my head.

He stood there with his mouth agape, watching me as I walked towards Lindy. I walked backwards slowly, giggling at the baffled Harry. 

I turned and looked at Jace and Lindy. I was chocked to see how much they dressed up. Lindy wore black jeans, a nice top, and high stilettos. Jace had on a button-up and nice looking pants. I looked okay, but nothing compared to those two. 

"There's been a slight change of plans," Lindy said with a shy smile. "We're going to the club instead... Is that okay with you? You and Harry are welcome to stay here another night," 

"Uh--" I looked at Lindy, then Jace, then down at my clothes. "I... I guess?" 

"Great! And don't worry, you look great! I knew those jeans would look hot on you!" She squealed while passing by me with car keys in her hand. Jace followed suit, flashing me and lovable, humored smile. 

I turned on my heels to follow them. I looked at the flats I wore as I walked forward towards their front door. Greatly enough, my whole body collided with Harry's firm, muscular body. I stumbled back, squealing as Harry's arm wrapped around my back. He pulled me up, causing me to hit his chest with mine. He looked down at me with a smirk.

"Thanks.." I nodded to him. I stared at him for a while, waiting for him to speak. When about fifteen seconds passed, I began to squirm out of his grip. 

"Lindy was right when she said those jeans looked hot on you," He said, his voice low and raspy. I swallowed nervously, putting my palm against his chest. I gently pushed, and, to my surprise, he broke away from me. 

"I..." I began, staring at my hands. "We better go, they're probably waiting," 

"They can wait, can't they?" He asked while tilting his head to the left. I squeaked--again--when his hand wrapped around my back--again. He pulled me into his chest and stared down into my eyes. 

My body shook in his grasp. I wasn't scared of Harry in general, but when he became this dark and rather curious boy, I couldn't help but feel on edge. His eyes always seemed a few shades darker, and his voice a few octaves lower. It wasn't pleasing to be in a room with this dark boy alone. 

"I... I think we should go, Harry," I whispered in a pleading voice. The corner of Harry's mouth lifted slightly into a taunting smirk. 

"Why? Is Julia scared of being alone with me?" He asked, his head tilting once more. 

I gritted my teeth. No matter how scared I got of him, the second he mocked me I was angry. "Cut it out," I hissed. I dug my nails into his hand until he loosed his grip on me, and I slid away. "Let's go,"

I walked out of the flat to the car which was on and waiting. I  felt a bit embarrassed when they watched me walk out minutes after they had left. Their eyes followed me as I made my way to the back-seat door. I opened it and slid in.

"Sorry, I forgot to unplug my phone," I lied. I noticed that after the past few months, my lying has become exceptionally good. I tried my best not to let my hands twitch when I lied. That was a habit I used to have... But after Harry I tried my best to practise. 

"It's alright, ready to go?" Jace asked. I nodded at him. Harry slid in beside me seconds later. I looked over at him as we began to pull out, and didn't miss the smirk he still wore. 


Really sorry! This chapter was short, sh*tty, and super late. I've just been pretty busy. So I'm sorry about that! Hopefully you've read other amazing fan fictions out there while waiting for this one! :-) Love you guys lots. -Caitlyn
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