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Ja'kai Dior 🦋.


2 days later .

"Yo is you good ? You been throwing up and shit all night . What you eat ?" Jamari asked walking in the bathroom .

"I don't know . My head hurt so fucking badd ." I was sitting beside the toilet because I had just got done throwing up AGAIN .

I was up and down all night throwing up . Everything I tried to eat to soothe it , made it worse . When I didn't eat it hurted worse throwing up .

"Wanna go to the doctor or sum ?"

"Yea tomorrow or after the funerals . "

"Alright , but aye tho . They saying Santana ain't been seen in a couple days . Yo daddy told me , I had my folks take him . He did say someone we know did it . Ian gon kill him yet , he giving us information . "

"We need to hurry up before who ever it is kill someone else . I just wanna know the motive behind this all . You kill my mama and my bestie over something that has nothing to do with me . Whoever killed my bestfren gon have to see me . She don't even bother nobody . " I said getting emotional all over again .

That's all I've been doin for the past days . Crying . Throwing up . I'm crying because now that my mama and bestfriend gone , it's like everything reminds me of them .

It's like I wanna call and talk to them more than I've ever wanted to , but I can't . I've had so many flashbacks of me and mama from when I was younger .

I miss her . A lot . I just wanna know why she had to do sum fucked up shit in the end . A lot of people will say that I shouldn't even care because of how she acted in the recent months . But all that went away in my mind . I didn't want the bad stuff to over power the good things , good memories and stuff I've had with her .

"Ight . Londyn want you tho ." He said walking out and hitting the door frame .

I got up and brushed my teeth and used mouthwash . Something told me to rub over my belly and I did . It felt different but I didn't pay it to much mind . I have been every thing I see , probably just getting fat . Oh well .

I walked out the bathroom and went to Jayda room where Londyn be at . Jayda was on FaceTime and Londyn was on the ipad .

"Wassup ?" I said . Londyn looked up and ran to me . I picked her up and kissed her lip .

"Hey kai ."

"Hey gurl , what you wanted ?"

"Nothing , I just missed you . I miss mommy too . Can we go somewhere ?" She asked .

"Where you wanna go ?"

She didn't know that we had 2 funerals to go to back to back . I didn't plan on telling her till tomorrow . My mama's tomorrow and it's really just people from around here that know ha . We ain't got no other family .

Mya's funeral is the day after , which is Saturday .

"Ummm can we go to the mall and shop . Jayda too ." I nodded and she smiled and stared at me .

"What girl ?" I asked mugging her .

"You look like mommy . A lot . " she said softly .

"You look more like her booba . How you feel ?" I asked .

"I'm okay , jayda make sure im okay . I'm going to start being good ." When she said that I looked at jayda to make sure we heard the same thing .

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