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"Lori, hurry up!" The 15-year old, Jeremy, shouted.

"Slow down, Je!" The 18-year-old, Lorelei, shouted at her little brother. She's having a hard time on walking with the high heels.

She almost tripped when someone bumped her shoulder — intentionally.

"Hurry up, you slowpoke," said the 19-year-old Anastasia.

"Stop tolerating my brother, Tasia," Lorelei crossed her arms and followed them.

"Lori's right, Ana," said Anastasia's twin, Kingsley, as he appeared behind the princess.

Anastasia rolled her eyes and huffed. "Stop being a party pooper, Ley."

"I'm not being a party pooper, Ana. I just want you to be responsible with what you're doing."

"Fine." She frowned.

"Hey! What are y'all doing in here?" A voice shouted from behind and a man appeared.

Anastasia groaned. "Not him again!"

The newcomer turned to her. "You were saying something, my dear Annie?"

Anastasia clenched her fist. "Stop calling me Annie, Jeffrey."



She stopped when a voice cut in. "Jeremy, no! Don't touch it!"

It was Lorelei, her voice loud to stop her brother from touching the bright gem.

It was too late, the boy already had his hands on the white gem.

"I told you, coming here was a bad idea!" said Kingsley.

"Chill, bro. Nothing happened," Anastasia pointed out.

But she wasn't right. After a few seconds, the gem flashed a bright light, engulfing all of them.


I'm going to let all of you guess who are their parents. ^__^ I'll reveal the family tree on the next chapter.

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