Chapter Twenty Five

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Breathing hard, nostrils flaring, my eye had caught the subtle movement of grasses, beginning to track something coming nearer to the den site. It looked like one man from where I sat, but had he come alone? There was no way to know and sitting here watching was not going to help anything. Abruptly, I got to my feet.

"Show yourself, you who dare approach uninvited!"

My voice rang out with more authority than I thought I possessed, but it worked. The grass blades parted as a man stood up, his face painted for war. Walking Arrow. My lips curled in disgust.

"What do you do here?"

"I have come to put an end to my shame," he growled, advancing. "Running from a woman."

"Your people have been spared my fury once," I warned him. "Do not endanger them again."

I saw the look on his face and knew he was beyond caring. His pride had been wounded, he'd suffered humiliation, and his ego would not allow him to accept it. Another stood up, a younger warrior likely looking for his first coup. Such men were easily persuaded into reckless actions, but that only made it more dangerous for me.

"I saw the coyote!" His finger stabbed toward the tall grasses where the beast had disappeared to. "You're only a woman...a dead woman! I will make sure of that!"

"Don't!" I snapped, glaring. "You're risking everything for your pride!"

"You're a liar!" he shouted at me, his eyes blazing. "You are weak, pathetic, and false to what you claim! I will prove it by cutting out your heart!"

His insult sparked a fire in my breast. Weak? Pathetic! Hatred roared to life in my breast, a hot fire that burned away everything else.

"Speak such things within reach of my claws, Walking Arrow! I will rip you apart!"

They both lunged forward at a run, but I only had eyes for Walking Arrow. With a shriek of rage, I leaped from where I stood, hitting the ground running. We collided in a wild, frenzied tangle of arms, legs, and teeth. I wrapped around him in a suffocating grip, one of his arms trapped between my legs and his body as I clawed wickedly at his face. Red welts followed the tracks of my nails as I raked them over his flesh.

With a yell, Walking Arrow threw us to the ground but I knew better, wiggling free, kicking him as I pulled away. Catching my foot, he yanked me back as I screamed in rage, his fingers going around my throat. With his other hand, he slapped me, lips curling in a snarl. Struggling to breathe, when he slapped me again, I caught the edge of his palm in my teeth, biting down as hard as I could even as my ears rang. His yell was loud, but I refused to let go, his blood spilling into my mouth as I ground my jaws together.

Clamping his free hand under my chin, Walking Arrow pried my teeth loose from his hand, then struck me with a balled fist. Pain and light shot bright stars behind my eyes, leaving me stunned as blood throbbed through my temples. Throwing me clear, he rolled to his feet, clutching his hand as I shook my head, spitting blood from my mouth. The young warrior had stopped to one side, watching, waiting for his chance, eager but inexperienced. Wiping my lips, I got up and my eyes clashed with Walking Arrow's.

"Your blood is like water," I taunted.

"I will kill you," he threatened, his expression masked by the paint though his teeth flashed as he spoke.

My face ached from the force of the blows, but rage was boiling in my blood, and I felt no fear, only hate.

"Not if I kill you first!"


He was running the gelding to death, Duncan could feel it in the unsteady gait, the labored breathing and slick, foaming lather that coated the horse's body. Since leaving Wildwood, he'd pushed the horse hard, not stopping, driven to get back to She-Cat, to see if she even waited for him. It was an irresistible pull that had gotten hold of him and would not let go. When the faint echo of a scream reached his ears, it launched him into a desperate rage.

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