Chapter Ten

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"I think I'd like to get to know a bit about you, woman," he told her quietly, watching the familiar detached look drop over her eyes.

"When we find a good place to make camp, reckon we'll sort ourselves out some," he paused then added. "You think you'll ever get around to tellin' me how you ended up so far from home?"

Staring defiantly, she shook her head. His grin was amused, thinking that if she'd understood his question, the result would likely still be the same silence. Without resistance she let him take the lead, starting off once more across the green grass. Night found them camped among a canopy of mature oak trees, not far from a small stream that flowed along for some miles before joining the Arkansas river.

Duncan cut meat steaks in silence, putting them into the hot pan to fry as she sliced wild squash and onions, laying them on the flames to cook. Even so close to him, he was aware she was very careful not to touch him. When he started a pot a coffee, she rose, disappearing into the coming dusk, returning a few moments late with a skirt full of wild berries. The air was thick with an uncomfortable silence, her dark brown eyes frequently darting to him in suspicion. They ate quietly, the only sound the soft song of crickets and the occasional yap of a lonely coyote.

Putting aside his plate, Duncan glanced at her and decided it was now or never.


After we ate, he rose and came directly to my side, dropping down on his haunches next to me, pushing his hat back on his head. I did not like him this close and it showed plainly on my face but he did not move. We regarded each other with a kind of toleration for a moment, then he shook his head.

"It won't do She-Cat, it simply won't do. I can stand not talkin', but I can't seem to let go of not bein' able to communicate." Looking directly into my eyes, his expression was kind but serious.

I knew he was speaking something of importance to him but I didn't know what he wanted and held myself still. His nearness was almost overwhelming, for rarely did he approach this close to me deliberately. I could smell him, feel the warmth of his body on my exposed arms and forced myself to remain motionless. He reached out slowly and took hold of my hand, frowning as he looked at the roughed skin, the faint traces of old scars. Mouth dry, not wanting to provoke him, I tried to extract my hand but he tightened his grip gently, holding on.

"I get that you're resisting the idea of getting to know me better, and while I respect a person's right to privacy, you've branded me without knowing me. It's apt to make a man edgy and mighty anxious to straighten out incorrect notions."

His tone had gentled considerably, more than I had heard it before and my heart flopped inside me then started pounding. What did he want? I was nearly afraid to think about it, wanting to fight but filled with certainty he'd kill me this time if I struck out at him. My eyes dropped as his fingers twined with mine instead of letting go, and my heart increased its beat, my eyes widening. Daring to lift my head, I looked at him with something between fear and anticipation, the heat of his hand burning into my flesh. It had been so long since I'd been touched with kindness that it was uncomfortable. I again tried to pull away but he caught my other hand, gently holding me in place.

"I remember you spoke when you wanted something from me when you asked me to leave the mare. It don't seem like you'll take to learnin' English, so I gotta try and pick up a little from you, have to talk first."

Frowning I shook my head at him, not understanding and reluctantly wishing he'd let go of my hands. My refusal only made him smile, shaking his head somewhat mournfully. He seemed uncomfortable, uncertain, then when his rich blue eyes looked back at me, I suddenly realized what he meant to do. Abruptly pulled into his arms, I felt them fold around me. Pinned against his chest, the hard hammer of his heart drummed beneath my palms. He had me in such a way there was no room for escape.

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