Part 8

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Before the guys even got off stage after their thank you’s I was already in the bus.  I don’t want to face any of them right now.  I’m in my bunk with the curtain up pretending to sleep.  I have my iPod on and I’m listening to some music.  I keep seeing him staring at me.  Just the thought of it gives me chills.  I write some notes down for my blog.  I know I’ll have to explain what I was doing out there.  I am so glad I let Simon know ahead of time.

I hear some commotion outside which tells me they are out there.  I turn off my iPod and close my eyes.  The bus door opens and they’re all talking and laughing while filing on.  I hope no one tries to talk to me but I know that’s unlikely.  Hopefully they’ll see the curtain closed and think I’m asleep.  I know someone is standing outside my bunk but it might just be Niall getting ready to get into his.

"I think she’s sleeping," I hear Liam whisper then they walk away.

I know I’m not going to be able to hide forever.  Once we get to the hotel I’ll have to see them.  I wouldn’t even be feeling awkward if I didn’t feel this way about looking into Harry’s eyes.  I don’t know if he felt that too. He was focused on getting through the solo.  My phone is vibrating which means I got a text but I don’t bother to look.  I’ll have to figure this out later.  When I get back to my room I’ll have to get the pictures and blog up then go to bed.

When we get to the hotel I rush off the bus and into the lobby before they get out.  They may have to sneak in but I don’t.  I rush up to my room and get started on my work for the night.  I stick the SD card in and begin looking through the pictures.  I get to the last two pictures.  The Harry pictures.  The first one came out really well.  You get the top of his head and see him holding the microphone close to his mouth and even got a bit of his shoes in it.  I reluctantly click next.  Until now I did not look at the picture.  I wasn’t even sure if it was in focus because was standing so close to him.  The picture is crystal clear.  You get a bit of his curls, his eyes, his nose, and the microphone in pristine clarity.  Looking at this picture is like living it all over again.  There’s intensity, seduction, lust in his eyes.

A knock at the door startles me and I quickly close out my photo editor as if I had something to hide.  I walk to the door and open it.  It’s Harry.  ”You didn’t think I could just let this go, did you?” he asked as he walks over to the bed and sits down.  I walk back to the desk and sit down.  I twirl around in the chair to face him.

"I was hoping," I say with a smirk.

"What was that tonight?"

"It was the winning fan request. She wanted me to get a picture of you from above doing your solo.". I hope that’s all he wanted to say.  I do not want to get into this mess right now.

"I get that but why did you look at me like that?"

"Me?  You were the one who was looking!"

"I can’t help it, I like you, ok?  And I know Im not supposed to and you aren’t even available."

"Listen, Harry, I like you and I like Zayn differently than I feel about the others.  We’ve been over this.  I thought you felt the same way.  We’re just having some fun.   Not getting tied down or anything."

"I do feel that way.  I don’t want a girlfriend right now.  But we aren’t allowed to do anything to each other.  It’s frustrating."

"You could leave this room and say ‘I’m horny’ and you’ll have 100 girls begging you to do stuff to them.  I’m the one who is frustrated."

He crawls across the bed and sits on the edge facing me.  Neither of us say anything.  I just look at him, studying his face, trying to figure out what’s going to happen next.  A mischievous smile creeps across his face.  The same smile creeps across mine.  I don’t think I can fight it anymore.  I stand up and lean into him and before I know it our lips are crashing together and arms wrapping around each other.  I don’t even know how my shirt gets off or his pants but the rules are the last thing from my mind right now.

After Harry and I had our fun he went back to his room and I went back to work.  It took me a few hours but I got the pictures and blog posted.  I am already getting a lot of positive feedback on the fan requested pictures.  Believe it or not I slept pretty good last night.  Maybe that’s all I need.  Maybe I can get a doctor to prescribe me sex.  The guys are doing their own thing before the concert so I actually have some free time to myself.  This means I will be sitting in my hotel room staring at twitter all day.

'Time for some relaxing before the show tonight.  I have yet to pick a fan request.  There is still time to get yours in. # 1dtourlife'

I take my laptop into bed with me and answer a lot of tweets.  It’s hard to imagine but I have hit 100 thousand followers on twitter.  I gave my 100 thousandth follower a chance to request a picture but I have yet to hear from them.  I surround myself with pillows and really get comfortable.  I feel myself drifting off to sleep when there is a knock at the door.  I didn’t order room service so I ignore it and try to doze back off but they knock again.  ”I know you’re in there. Open the door,” a muffled Zayn says from the other side of the door.

I get up and slowly walk to the door.  I open the door and make my way back to my bed.  ”I thought you were going out,” I say as I pull the blankets onto my legs.

"I was but I changed my mind," he says as he sits in the bed next to me.  There is silence before he speaks up again.  "So last night was…something."

I awkwardly chuckle.  ”Yeah, it was a fan request.  It came out really well.”

"I know, I saw.  You got some good ones of me."

I can feel my cheeks heating up with blush.  ”You make them look good.  I just capture the moments.”

"Are you hitting on me?" he asks.

"If I was hitting on you, you’d know it," I reply with confidence.  I take my phone out to take a picture of him.  "Smile!". He smiles and I take the picture.  "That’s a cute one," I say as I show it to him.  "I’m going to tweet it."

"Are you sure that’s a good idea?  I am in your bed."

"We aren’t doing anything but talking.". I tweet it before he tries to change my mind.  ’@ zaynmalik stopped by for a visit.’

"Yeah we don’t do anything.  That’s what Harry is there for right?".  He has a sour look on his face but he also laughs like it was meant as a friendly joke.

"Zayn, I…"

Before I can begin to explain myself he cuts me off.  ”You don’t owe me an explanation.  I respect your wishes not to be exclusive.  It’s just weird that it’s right under my nose and it’s Harry.”

I didn’t realize he was so tortured by this. I understand where he’s coming from but I didn’t realize he felt that strongly.  ”I don’t know what to say.  I’m sorry that I make you feel like this.”

"You don’t have to say sorry."

"There’s enough of me to go around for the both of you," I say jokingly but as soon as the words leave my mouth I regret them immediately.

"You’re better than that, Becca."

"I know, I’m sorry.  That was inappropriate of me.  I’ve just been really hurt in the past.  Sleeping with Harry was a mistake.  Simon specifically said…"

He puts his arm around me and rests his head on mine.  ”You’re rambling.  Don’t worry about it.  I just like spending time with you.  It’s not the right time, that’s all.”

I feel tears starting to well up in my eyes.  I turn away and wipe them so he doesn’t see.  I hang my head.  ”I don’t deserve a friend like you.”

He holds me tight and says into my ear, “you are too hard on yourself, my dear.”

I take my phone out and send a tweet.  ’I don’t know how I became so lucky but I have the best friend in the world.’

Get Outa My Head : A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now