called in by L

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I'm going off memory so sorry if I get some of it mixed up.

I was busy at work when in a small shop puting up food when a man around my age comes in. He is skinny and definitely does not go out side a lot. He has black hair and bags under his eyes. Must have insomnia but can't judge because I have that problem to.

He walks up to me "excuse me but aren't you Mrs f/n?" I slowly turned to him. Is he one of 'his' goons? I take off out of the store. My manager calls after me.

Ok so you may not know what I'm talking about. A while ago I had a boyfriend. I thought he was a good man but he turned out to be a wimp. Long story short I helped him get away with murderer. Later on he calls the cops on me and I get arrested. Funny right? He told me that it was self defense but in the end he did it out of cold blood. If you couldn't figure out I'm pretty smart not to flex or anything.

In the end I went to jail and just got out a while before this whole Kira stuff started. I was around 18 at the time I'm now 24. That means I was in jail 6 years. I could be were the famous L is tight now. Instead I'm always watching my back. This Kira has his/her eyes on criminals and I'm worried I'm next.

I know that that man could have asked me about anyone but I just got a threat from my ex a while ago sooo what else am I supposed to think.

I'm running away as fast as I could when I heard more feet. I look behind me to see a old man and the man from the store. I then get tackled by some kid. I fell on my side.

I kicked the kid off me. The kid has brown hair. The three surrounded me.

Behind me is a gate so I can climb it and try to escape or I can fight. Probably best if I just run.

I sighed "I'm to tired for this." I said. They looked at me confused. "Mrs f/n we understand that you confused but if you will- and there she goes." The man with black hair said.

I jumped over the fence to get caught in a dead end. "I must say Mrs f/n you are a hard women to find and catch." The black haired man said again. "Who are you and what do you want?" I asked.

"Well for starters I'm ryuzaki this is Matsuda and chief yagami." He said. I stared them down the cops. "Look I haven't done anything ok." I said

He looked bored "I'm sorry Mrs f/n but you will have to come with us for suspicion of being kira." He said.

I shook my head "I'm not nor will I ever be Kira now leave me be." I said. "Can you please arrest her?" Ryuzaki said. "are you sure she could be Kira? She seems genuine." He said. "Look you asked me to find more suspects so here is the only one other then him who has a motive and will do it." Ryuzaki said.

I laughed And they looked at me like I was about to kill them. "Really so that's why your after me. To keep your poor son off the Kira case suspects list. One good thing came out of this. I did get to meet the famous L" I said. They stood in shock. "How did you know?" Matsuda asked. "Easy there was only a few cops who joined and I knew that a man name ryuzaki is not one of them. It was either he was L or someone that is secretly helping. By your expression I'm correct." I said.

"Even if she isn't Kira she is still smart at least." L said. Everyone sweat dropped. "Anywho I guess I'll go with you it's not like I have a choice anyway." I said.

We went into a car. I sat by L and the rest were on the other side. It was quite but I didn't really care. I liked it better this way. I could feel my self start to fall asleep but I won't sleep here. Even if this is my one chance for a while to sleep.

I could feel everyone staring at me. "Could you please look away?" I asked. "sorry you just look tired. How long has it been since you've slept?" Chief yagami asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

It took a while but we finally got there. We walked in to a hotel and went to a room. I wasn't really paying attention. When we walked in I saw a few people. One looked to be the famous Misa misa and she was holding on to another boy that was probably a little younger than me. From the looks of them they are the youngest do that means he is the son.

You can clearly see he doesn't like Misa misa so why hang around her? Famous? Maybe but I don't think so. I looked around more. There looks to be around 6 not including me.

"So Mrs f/n have any observations?" L asked. "First, just f/n, second yes. That boy right there is the kid y'all think is kira right? And also if there is a second kira which is vary likely she is probably it." I said

To say they were shocked is a understatement. Especially chief yagamis kid. He started to laugh "your joking right?" He asked. I smirked "and you just proved my statement. I've only been here with you for a few minutes and I can already tell you are vary likely to be Kira. Also she is clinging on to you like your a god. Which is something Kira would want. She follows your command and does your bidding. The reason I'm saying this is because I know you can't kill me even if you wanted to. If I die then it proves everything." I said

He stood there in shock. "Your quite clever." L said. "Of course I am if it wasn't for certain events. I would probably have been on this case since the beginning. Unfortunately I was almost as stupid as that kid." I said pointing to the chiefs son. The chief came up to me "don't talk about my son like that. You could be making this up!" He said

I started at him dead in the eye "your love for your son is blinding you from the truth. Deep down you know it is true. You better learn that before it kills you." I said.

He walked away from me. "So f/n I need to talk to you and light." He said. So that's the kids name. "You two will be chained to me so if either one of you try and kill me then you will die with me." He said. "What?!" Light said. I just shrugged and stoped paying attention.

It was lunch and I had a call from my manager. Everyone jumped "calm down it's my phone." I picked it up. "Hello?" I asked knowing what would happen. She started to scream I put the phone on the table. The last thing I heard was "your fired!" I picked the phone up. "before you hang up just wanted to say FUCK YOU BITCH! IF YOU CALL THIS NUMBER AGAIN ILL FIND YOUR ASS AND BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!" I said back.

I hung up and put the phone down. I then lay my head on the table. "Look as much as I would like to play with you all I've got to make rent this week. If I don't I'm out on the streets again. So if you excuse me." I said getting up

"Sorry f/n but I can't let you go." L said. I rolled my eyes. "Fine" I said

I then knee him in the no no zone. He fell to his knees throwing up. Everyone backed away. I then hear a gun. "Really?" I asked turning around to Matsuda. "Sorry but you can't leave." He said I shook my head.

I kicked the gun out of his hands. "I've been at the end of the gun a thousand times I know how to avoid it." I said.

L finally recovered. "If you leave the world will blame you for being kira." He said. "Or they will worship me. That will make the real Kira make a choicy move." I said.

L shook his head. "Sorry but you have to stay." He said. "But what about my apartment?" I asked. "we will pay for it." He said. "What about the rest " I asked "that to" he said. I smiled and jumped in The spinning chair. "So how long will I be staying?" I asked spinning aroundqq.

I then hear a chuckle. "You are a strange girl." L said. I shrugged and kept spinning.

It's been a whole day and its time for bed. L was in the middle of the chain. Which sucked. The only time I was let off was to use the bathroom and take a bath.

I tried to sleep but I couldn't again. Unfortunately L took my phone so ya. "Can't sleep?" Asked l. "Nope you?" I asked "no" he said in a calm voice.

"Insomnia?" I asked "yep you?" "Yep"

It was pretty quite the rest of the night.

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