I'm sorry

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It was a rainy day. Me and l have been happy but I have a feeling it won't last long.

I walk out side to see l and light. Light was trying to get him back inside. Unfortunately l didn't want to. Soon he got l to come in.

I wanted to go out into the rain but i didn't. I left before they saw me. I decided to leave for a while.

Its been a few hours when i felt something was about to happen. I ran as fast as I could inside. I made it to see l looking worried.

The whole think went into lock down. "L what's happening?!" I said. I ran to him and I saw his face go into shock. I held him in my arms.

He looked at me and smiled. "I love you so much." He said. "I love you to." I say with tears. I kiss him and light sits beside me. He smiles but Im the only one who see it. L eyes widened.

"I.. knew... It" he said I felt my heart start to feel as if it was busting out my chest. "Damn you light" I say as I fall on the ground.

I stare at him as he starts to scream as if he was sad or scared. It was all blurry.

Everything goes black. I remember all the good times I had with l. Our kiss our date everything. I only wish I stayed long enough to kill him. I wish I could see l one last time. I wish I knew his real name.

I love you L and thank you.






What is this? I hear beeping? Am I still alive?

I open my eyes to see a white hair kid? "What?" I asked

"Hello Mrs f/n l/n" he said. "What happened?" I asked. "You and l died but we were able to keep you and him barely alive." He said.

I shot up "but how I thought light... Light is Kira!" I said suddenly remembered everything.

I hear a chuckle. "Calm down f/n n here got out smarted him. Light Is dead" I looked over to see l.

"L? But how are- how are we alive?" I asked confused. "I don't know. I guess we just had to much to live for." He said.

"How long was i out?" I asked "well I just woke up to but from what I hear around two years maybe three years" (can't remember how long it was) "wow." Is all I said.

"F/n can you come with me?" L asked. I nodded. He took me out to the roof. "How is watery?" I asked as we walked up the stairs.

"He wasn't as lucky." L said a little sad. I hugged him "it's ok but I do have something to tell well I mean ask." He said.

"What?" I asked. He got on one knee. "To much time has passed and I don't want to easy anymore of it will you f/n l/n marry me?" He asked

I couldn't speak and finally said something "of course! But first I want to know something." I asked and he looked worried. "What?" L said. "What's your name?" I said smirking. He laughed "my name is lawiet" he said hugging me.

I can't believe it. I never thought I would fine someone. I can't believe we survived. I can't believe we're here and I'm getting married! I've never been so happy!
                           The end

Thanks for reading and if you want me to I can make a chapter on there marriage and there kids

Love Hurts (LXReader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now