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To day was like any other day. Except light had a date with Misa misa. It was annoying but I had to go. Hay who can pass up free rent.

Light and Misa misa sat on opposite ends. Once watari brought in cake all my mind went to was that.

I started to eat when I was being pulled by the chains. My cake sipped out my hands. "What the hell?!" I said as I was being pulled around by light and l.

I started at my cake crying as they pulled on my arm. I then got angry and kicked l and punched light. "You two idiots calm down. I don't know what happened but you killed my cake!" I said.

Light looked at me confused. "The cake is not actually alive you know." L said. I stared at him. "I don't care even if it was." I said.

Since I am double jointed in my hand I was able to slip out the hand cuffs. "What you were able to do that this whole time!" Misa said. I gave her the death glare. "Shut up" I said. Her voice sure did hurt my head.

I haven't took my medicine in a while. I think it's starting to take effect. "I need to go back to my apartment." I said.

"You can't you have to stay here." He said. "Fine come with me I just need to grab something." I said.

L nodded and told one of the cops to watch light. Me and l left to my house. "So f/n what do you need to grab?" He asked.

"O nothing just something I use to kill all I've my victims." I said laughing. He looked at me like really. (😑) "Ok I just need to grab my medicine. I get angry a lot and the medication helps." I said. He nodded and it was pretty quite.

"You do know I know your not Kira?" He asked. I nodded "of course from the looks of it you needed me to get the chief off you back." I said "yep and also I could use someone who is not I idiot and around my age. It gets quite boring sometimes." He said.

I laughed "you just fought light and your saying your bored." I said. He smiled. "I guess."

We pulled up to my apartment building. It was old and had cracks. There were bugs and probably a snake or two. L looked at it. "And this is the place you work so hard on keeping?" He asked. "Yep!" I said with a smile.

We walk up to the second floor. I opened the door to see the place in a mess. I mean it was when I left but now I mean a mess.

I held my hand up signaling him to hush. I walked in slowly with l. I then hear laughing. "F/n glad I could finally see you again!" A voice said.

"What do you want ex/n (ex boyfriend name)" I said. He laughed more "what else I want you back." He said. "No now leave" I said. He came out of the dark. "Sorry but no can do" he looked at l. "And who is this." He asked.

I was about to answer when l jumped in. "I'm her boyfriend now leave." He said. I was surprised but didn't show it. "Really this is the best you can do?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes. "He's better than you ever was" I said. "Aww still mad that I framed you?" He asked. "Actually yes I am." I said.

"I will have you back f/n" he said. "good luck" I said. He left and I sighed. "Thanks l" I said. "Actually when were out call me ryuzaki" I nodded. "Ok"

I hunted for the medication but it wasn't here. "No" I said whining. "Whats wrong?" He asked. "Ex/n took it." I said. "O" he said

We went back to the car. "Sorry that you couldn't find it." He said. "You didn't do it right? You have nothing to be sorry about. Anyway it just helped calm me down so I didn't do anything irrational." I said.

"Like what?" He asked. I looked at him and waited a few minutes. "Well I will try and hurt someone or myself." I said. He looked at me interested "how did you get this problem?" He asked

"You sure are full of questions." I said rolling my eyes. He nodded for me to go on. "Fine! When I was framed. I grew a problem of letting my emotions build up. I wou-will either hurt someone or myself to get it out." I said smiling.

He looked down "well you don't have to do that anymore. You have me to talk to and I'll help the best I can for now." He said smiling back.

I looked at him. "Sorry but I rather not get attached to someone I will only know for a small amount of time." I said. He looked down "I guess your right there. Still it's better to talk to someone even if you won't see them again." He said.

"Aww who knew the great l had such a kind heart. I might just take you up on that offer" I said. He laughed and shrugged it off. I could see a hint of blush on his pale cheeks. He is so cute.

Wait what?! O well I can think he is cute. I mean I think plenty of boys are cute and I don't go after them so who cares. Right? Either way I'll be gone and just memory. Right?

will I only ever be a memory. I wish to someone I was more than that. Even if it's just a friend. People always avoid me because of my jail time. I wish that I meant to someone. I wish someone cared for me.

I wish

But wishing doesn't get you anywhere but hurt. I need to build my own path.

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