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We were working non stop. My head is starting to hurt. "Lllllll I need a break." I said. He just laughed. "How about this we can go out." He said. "Yes! Let's go!" I said getting my shoes.

He was being slow "hurry up!" I said. He laughed again. I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me to the car.

We were sitting in the car when he spoke. "Your still holding my hand" he said pointing at our hands. "O sorry!" I said going to let go but his grip tightened. "It's ok I like it" he looked away. Soon I heard a awwwww come from the other side.

O right Misa misa and light are coming to bummer. Not that I want to be alone with l but I just dont like them! Ya that's right.

I rolled my eyes and blushed. I think l was just confused. "Why say aww?" He asked. "Because you like her!" Misa misa said. "I do she is a good company." L said. Wow he's stupid for the smartest man.

"No l she means like a boyfriend girlfriend kinda love." Light said. L thought it through. "Our relationship isn't like that." He said.

I face palmed "what's wrong with you?" He asked. I laughed "nothing" I said. Misa misa looked determined. "L do you think f/n is pretty?" She asked. "I think she has a good face" he said.

Good face? "Do you get all warm when your around her?" She asked trying to get him to understand. "I don't know I guess it's hot out side but I don't think she controls how hot it cold it is." He said.

Light looked at him like seriously? "No on the inside" Misa tried again. "I don't know I would be worried if my insides got to hot." He said looking at his chest. I just laughed. "L don't hurt you pretty little head and Misa don't take that the wrong way" her face goes down. "She is trying to see if you like me as in a lover" I said laughing.

I kinda hope he does. I don't know I've gotten close to him and he makes me happy.

L turns red. "What?!" He asked. His expression hurt me a little. I let go of his hand. "Oof I know I'm not the best person but you don't have to react like that." I said. L just started at me. "Sorry I just-" he started but I cut him off. "Calm down I know" I said with a smile.

No one talked since then. We went to a restaurant. Man this place is fancy. "Wow" Is all I said. They looked at me. "What the closet I've gotten to a fancy dinner was a cooked hotdogs from the drug store." I said.

We all sat down. L seemed to be in deep thought. "You ok?" I asked him. He looked up. "I'm fine just thinking." He said. He was sitting like he normally does. It's cute-nope he doesn't like you like that stop!

"Are you sure you don't like each other? You two are the same but completely opposites" light said.

"I'm sure now I have to run to the bathroom. They do have bathrooms right?" I asked. I just needed to get away from l. "I'll show you" l said. O great!

He grabbed my hand and some what dragged me there. We ended up in a corner. "L what are we-" I was cut off by his lips. I kissed back. He pulled away quickly.

"I was thinking and I do like you a lot." L said. I smiled "I like you to"

We kissed again. Then he brought me to the bathroom. "We should keep it a secret from those two. They could use it to hurt us." He said. I nodded.

Me and him both was a blushing mess. I went into the bathroom and splashed water in my face. I finally calmed down and came out. L smiled at me.

We went back and the rest of the day was normal. It was night time. L and I were working on the case. He came up to me. "I think we need a break" he said.

I didn't think anything of it until he kissed me. Soon it turned into a make out session. We finally pulled apart. "Ok let's get back to work" he said. I laughed and got back to work.

Love Hurts (LXReader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now