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Hello Swanna Girl and Braviary Man readers. If you've made it this far, reading this trilogy since the first book, and stuck it out through the good and hard times, I want to thank you for all of that. Your support has been the drive behind this last book.

It is with a heavy heart that I have to discontinue this book. I know, I know, that is probably the last thing you all want to hear right now when you're probably itching to know what happens to Sylvia next, wondering if she'll see Rudi again, if they'll make it, if they'll defeat this duo of villains, and all that exciting stuff. Here's the thing. I have the next threeish chapters done, along with the epilogue. There are just a few problems.

The first is in regards to the last two chapters that I've wrote. There are blanks. As some of you may know, I like to skip battle scenes, certain scenes, etc etc, until I get more momentum. In chapter 21, there was going to be this epic battle between Swanna and Swanna Girl (which I'll explain more later), but I couldn't write it. This wasn't because of the drive, but I've lost Sylvia's voice and everything I've written just doesn't sound right at all.

The second problem is in regards to the next chapter. It would have been chapter 20, so as many of you may know, that means there's a change of POV. It was that change of POV that didn't settle with me well. I tried so many different people, but I, I NEEDED it to be Rena's once again. I am just afraid of what people will think about her as I've already gotten eaten alive on how "wrong" it is to do what I would have done to her character...but that's another story that I don't want to talk about here. I will say that it killed my motivation, which is the final and biggest problem to finishing this story. See, if I don't have Sylvia's voice to write, if things sound weird, and I've lost motivation, I think that's a sign that I need to move on.

While the signs are all there, I don't want to leave you all hanging with the last cliffhanger amount of events. I find that unprofessional. Sure, other writers on Wattpad will do that, and I'll be cool with it, but knowing how much time, effort, and work I've put into it, and seeing how much some of you seem to enjoy this book, I just find that it's unfair to you all. So, my solution is a simple one, but again, probably not one you all will like. I am going to release what would have happened in this last part of the book in summary form. I don't see myself truly writing it as I have tried these past few months (keep in mind, I prewrite, so the chapters you've read have been written a long time ago).

In addition to this summary, in a few hours, I'll be posting the "epilogue" of this book. The reason I will put it there is because I wrote it back when the "forward" was written, and I want you all to see what Sylvia was talking about when that all happened, and the events that would follow.

But before that, let's get to the summary of the book as it'll make the epilogue make sense.

The next chapter would have had Rena's POV, where she would reflect on a few things, realized she had a crush on someone, and said person would come into the room carrying Sylvia's injured Mienshao, who came crawling back as she knew that was the best way to get help (hence the reason why one of her Pokémon was left behind when kidnapped by Draven). Rena realized this and decided to take the person to the nearest Pokémon Center, and figure that all out to save Sylvia.

Meanwhile, Sylvia and Plusle found themselves in a dark room, where Sylvia would walk to the other end. Only problem was that she wasn't wearing shoes, and there was broken glass everywhere. Before she could step on some, Plusle stopped her and learned her first move, Flash, to help Sylvia out. The two walked to the other side where there was a door, but before she could get there, something attacked her.

Following chapter (which was mostly written) would have had Sylvia turning around to see Swanna flying there. He just happened to have inhaled the R-gas earlier, which made him go wild and want to attack Sylvia. Now, I have to say a disclaimer for this next part, but another writer gave me the idea of having Sylvia save him by petting him in a spot that he liked (hence all the beak scratches that happened earlier in the book). Sylvia and Plusle would have had to worked together somehow to get her in the position to do that, and then the R-Gas would have faded away.

Swanna Girl and Braivary Man 3: The Rogue HeroWhere stories live. Discover now