Chapter 1// I got it

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*Beep Beep Beep* I heard my alarm go off and I groaned. I didn't even have time to shut off before it started again. *Beep Beep Beep* "alright you dumbass alarm i'm up" I said as I smacked the top of the alarm to make it stop. I stretched then sat up and looked at the alarm for the time. 6:15am it read. I got up and took a long shower. I got out and dried off. I put on a pair of boxers and a sports bra then walked back into the room to the closet. I grabbed my suit and shoes and put it on.

 I grabbed my suit and shoes and put it on

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( the fit)

I walked to the dresser to grab my apple watch, shades, and phone then walked downstairs. I grabbed the keys to my audi r8 and walked out the door. I unlocked it and got in. I slowly rolled down the drive and the gate opened up and i pulled off.

( Skip the drive)

I pulled into my parking spot and turned the car off. I got out and walked into the building and was greeted by my receptionist . " Good morning Miss. Y/L. Ryan is out getting your coffee. Your first meeting is at 8:30 and your last one is at 5. do you want anyone staying late?" " Good morning Stacey thank you for that information and no one will be staying late tonight i'm going home early". i said to her as i walked to the elevator. I pressed the button and the elevator closed. I looked at my watch to see it was 8am so i will only have 30mins to relax before this shit show is started. When the doors opened up I see people rushing with papers and folders to their cubicles. As i'm walking by I ignore some of my workers who are trying to seduce me trying to get a promotion or get at me and my money. I walk to my office and head to my desk. I start emailing some of the people i invested money in to see how everything is running and going . After a while ryan comes in with my coffee i thank him and send him on his way. I get up and head to this meeting. I open the door and a bunch of business men are sitting down surrounding the table. I head to the end of the table and sit down. " Lets get this meeting started" i said while interlocking my hands together.

( Skip the work day)

It's 5:30 and i am so glad i decided to go home early today. I am tired and want something to snack on.  So i gonna head to the store to get them. I gotta drive downtown to get it because all the stores where i live at is organic shit. Like I don't want no damn grass as a snack becky where the hot cheetos at. I leave the building as quick as i can and hop in the car and leave.

( Skip the ride)

I pull up to the grocery store. I turn off the car get out and lock it. I head into the store without any attention at first. While getting my snacks a few people wanted to take pictures and a few tried flirting with me but i simply ignored it. after grabbing some chips i head to the candy aisle. While im looking for some sour patches i felt something bump into me. I look down and see a little girl. I kneel down to her height. " Hi little one" i said with a smile. She shyly waved. " Where's your mommy?" i asked and right on cue I hear someone say " Jasmine you can't go running wondering off like that".

I look up and see the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. " omg I'm so sorry about her she didn't cause you any trouble did she.. Ohh i hope she didn't ruin your suit i don't have money for that" she said but mumbled the last part. " No she didn't do anything or ruin anything all she did was be cute" i said with a smile and she smiled back. " well i'll let you get back to your shopping and stuff sorry for her bothering you" " No need to apologize. Hopefully i'll see you again sometime" i said while walking away to find my sour patch kids.

I walk to the cashier and she starts scanning my stuff while telling me how much of a fan she is of me. I thanked her for the support and paid for my stuff and left. I walk to my car and put the stuff in there realizing i didn't buy anything to drink i groaned and went back in. I rushed to the drink aisle and grabbed a box of soda and headed back towards the cashier when i heard "ma'am your card was declined". I look up to see the chocolate beauty with i think her kid. She asked to try it again but before she swiped it i spoke up. " Scan my soda with her stuff i'll pay for it" i said as i moved up and gave the lady the box. " You don't have to i can just wait unt-" " Nothing you can say is gonna stop me from paying for this beautiful" i said with a genuine smile. I knelled down to the little girl who's name i learned was jasmine but ima still call her little one. " You want some candy or something little one" i asked her. Her eyes lit up she pointed at the baby bottle pop. I reached over and grabbed 4 of them and handed them to her. She scanned everything. " Your new total is $345.67" i pulled out my card and put it in the machine . Once it said approved i took my card out and put it back in my pocket. I helped put all of  her groceries  in the cart. and took my box and carried it out walking next to her. she parked diagonal from me so i told her hold on and quickly put the box in the car. I ran back to her car and helped her unload the stuff.

" Thank you so much you honestly didn't have to do that you could've been a snobby celebrity but you weren't so thank you". She said holding jasmine.

" No problem this was nothing i'm just happy i could help you put food on the table. Here... uhh take this card it has my assistant number um where's my pen.... ah my number just incase your in need of a job or anything call me please" i said looking at the girl. " I-i thank you so much" She said with tears in her eyes. Her phone went off she checked it and her eyes held fear.

" uhm are you okay" " Yeah yeah i'm fine i have to go" she rushed out. putting jasmine in the car. " wait what's your name" " it's n-normani" she said as she got in her car and drove away.

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