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"I said get out"

The broad shoulder guy screamed at his parents who were knocking softly on the door.

The grip on the mirror which he was holding in his right hand tightened even more.

Within seconds the mirror shattered into pieces leaving breaking sound. He breathed heavily and looked at the broken pieces of glasses.

He could see his face in every pieces which turned his anger even more.


He groaned and threw the pillow, the bed covers whichever he got in his hands. He didn't care how messy his room was.

"I hate myself. I hate this world." He shouted and screamed like it was his last day on the earth.

While on the other side of the door, his parents were silently crying by closing their mouth with their hands.

It's been two weeks, since the fire accident happened at the shopping mall. After seeing the news, the two couples rushed to the said hospitals only to find out that their sons were severely injured in the accident.

The hospital was filled with cries, and doctors and nurses were busy in giving treatment to the survivors. Though the couple were not rich, they were ready to pay money as long as their sons could survive.

After 36 hours of treating their sons, the parents were broken only to hear the doctors words.

"I am sorry Mister, but sadly it seems like they were in the place where the fire caught. With direct contact with the fire, one is severely burnt with scars on his body, and the other had lost his eye sight. It is natural to happen like this at times of fire accident. But it could be cured, with the advanced technologies. Since the scar is not yet healed, we can't opt for operation right now. It might lead to permanent blindness. They have third-degree scars which would take months or years to heal. I hope you take good care of them, and of course we are there to help them"

The parents didn't know what to do except crying over their teenage sons. They were just young and had a long way to go in their lives. But no one expected it would happen like this.

Jin and Jungkook didn't know what had happened to the other.

Mrs. Kim was busy in crying while Mr. Kim was consoling his wife.

"I-I just can't take this honey. Is there a-any way that I can take t-the pain for him?" Mrs. Kim clutched her heart and cried out loudly making Mr.Kim worried about her health condition.

"Jin is a fighter, baby. He will get through this. We are there for him, and we will bring our cheerful son back. Now you need to stay strong for him."

"I-I can't. I know h-how much he was proud of his features. B-But now." Mrs.Kim shed her tears even more by thinking about her son's appearance.

Jin was always proud of his face, and bragged about himself saying, "Worldwide handsome". But when the doctor removed the cotton which was wrapped around his face to heal from the burn, they were shocked.

His beautiful, flawless skin was no more. All they could see was the burnt skin on the one side of the face. Mrs.Kim threw up in the toilet by looking at their son's scars. The doctors heavily advised them not to keep any mirrors or reflecting objects. But the food tray which was given to Jin was silver, and he saw his reflection for the first time.

The plate was thrown on the other side, with food spattering around the neat floor. The parents who were crying outside rushed inside to see their son clutching his face hoping it would go away.

It took two days for Jin to accept what had happened to him. He knew that his parents were also worried for him. But all he could think about was how was he going to face this world?

"Jin, the appearance doesn't matter. What matters is your inner beauty. You are beautiful inside and out."

His parents sweet whispers never reached his ears. He wished he was dead, instead of living like a dead corpse.

"That's bullshit. People see you and judge you by your face only. And now I don't even have a face. I-I hate myself." Jin can't accept the fact that his beauty was no more, and he was looking ugly.

In the last two weeks, he had tried several suicide attempts only to be stopped by his watchful parents. His parents didn't sleep at all. They knew their son was in his suicidal stage, so they stayed all night though their eyes were surrounded with dark circles. They ignored their sleep only to watch their son to make sure he was alive.

"Baby, why don't we take Jin to Jeon's house. He could speak with Jungkook." Mr.Kim nodded to his wife's request. They were talking through telephones about their son's conditions and were worried. All they could do was pray and wish that this all was a nightmare.

But deep inside their hearts they knew it was not. The parents did everything to keep their children alive, and happy. Jin's parents knew about Jungkook's condition, but little did they knew what was happening at Jeon's residence.

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