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It's been two days since the Jeons and Kims family had arrived in Jeju island. After deciding about the trip, the two families left Seoul in a month. The parents thought that this could bring happiness in their children. But what happened was exactly opposite.

Jungkook had been in his room locked up while Seokjin had been feeling uncomfortable with people looking at him.

"Jinnie, why don't you go outside?" Mina asked her son who was slowly eating his pancake. Jin placed his half eaten pancake on the plate and cautiously wiped his lips. The scar on his body was getting little irritation and less pain. He still used the ointment and lotion prescribed by his doctor. Though he felt pain during bathing and sleeping, it was less compared to before.

"Mother, I really appreciate you for trying this. B-But I just don't want to go."

"Is it because of others?"

Jin hesitated to answer his father who sat beside him slowly while placing his hands on his scarred shoulder.

"Honey, that's the reason why we came here. I want my son to be happy like before. Don't you think that your mother deserves it?"

"Of course you deserves it. Stop talking silly things. Y-You don't know how it feels to walk around the crowd looking at you with disgusting faces. L-Like I am some dirt or garbage. I-I want to be in a place where people don't judge me or avoid me by seeing my face and body."

Kim Namjoon and Mina shared glances and sighed by the statement from their son's lips.

"The world will never stop judging others, honey. We need to be the ones who decided how we look. Not others."

"Yeah, it's easy for you to say." Jin shrugged his shoulders and continued eating his remaining pancake with chocolate syrup on top.

"At least you have eyes to see, Jin. Have you ever thought about Jungkook? What did he did to deserve this?"

Jin became silent after hearing Jungkook's name. He knew how much Jungkook sulked about going out of their house. He never initiated a conversation with Jin during their flight journey.

"His parents are worried about him. This is not a vacation, Jinnie. But a time for you two to accept what had happened and get adjusted with your lives. I am not telling you to run around the sea but just a walk. Remember all the things that happened. And when we leave this place I want you to leave your bad memories in the ocean and start a new life.

I know it's easy for us to say. But you need to give yourself a chance, baby. If you hate yourself, then you can't expect no one to love you."

Jin sighed in defeat. He knew his parents were right. But he couldn't stand seeing people avoiding him. All this time he was thinking about himself. He was disgusted with his appearance.

"Jinnie, the skin will wrinkle one day. But your heart will stay young just like you. Don't let others to control your life, honey. Then you can't be yourself. You need to fake infront of these people." Jin's eyes started to form tears by hearing his father's words. His lips trembled and bit his lower lips to control him from breaking out.

"Jungkook didn't open up to anyone. But with you, he did. Now he isn't coming out. Only you can make him feel alive. If you don't want to do this for yourself, atleast do it for sake of Jungkook, Jinnie. Don't make Jungkook to feel like he deserves this. You both don't deserve this."

Jin recalled his conversation with Jungkook in his house. He remembered how hard Jungkook cried. Never in his life did he thought Jungkook was weak. But that day, he witnessed. The boy who always teased him, was crying in front of him. In corner of his heart, he felt bad for Jungkook to endure this pain.

Though Jungkook always teased him, Jin kind of loved it. It made him feel special for Jungkook. He knew they would both get married to each other in the future.

Jin looked at his parents who were looking at him with hopeful eyes for his answer.

He sighed a little and got up from his seat making his parents stand up with him.

"Let's go out, dad. I want to enjoy my life."

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