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"I am ugly, I don't even have a face."

Jin screamed and cried by punching his hand on the bed, and kicked the bed sheets in frustration.

"My skin is all burnt, and now I am nothing but a skeleton."

Jin groaned loudly and pressed his burnt skin on his hands wishing it would go inside.

The room was filled with screams and cries. Jin ran to his bathroom and stripped himself naked. He poured water on his body and hoped it would wash away the scars. But all he felt was burning sensation and screamed in pain whenever the drops of water touched his burnt skin.

"Please get off me, you disgusting scar. Go away" Jin shouted and slapped his scars despite of the immense pain he was enduring.

"Aghh go away. You are making me ugly. You idiot, mother fucker, get off me I said." Jin yelled through his cries and punched his scars on the legs.

He looked at his bare body infront of the mirror. All he could do was puke in the sink continuously after seeing his own reflection. His peeled skin was red, wrinkled, and unpleasant. It was not soft but rough.

"Agghhh" Jin threw the stool on the bathroom mirror when he looked at his reflection.

The mirror where he admired his beautiful looks was showing his burnt face, and it was ugly.

"I-I hate this body, I hate this face. I can't even see my eyes."

He was feeling frustrated and moving back and forth in the bathroom by clutching his hair in anger.

Suddenly he got an idea, and started to look in the cabinets in search of razors.

"Being dead is better than living with a burnt skin." He mumbled himself and his eyes glistened in happiness when he found his item.

His hands were trembling and were shaking badly while taking the razor. He looked at front to see the broken mirror which displayed several disgusting faces.

He started to cry while clutching the razor tightly in his hands. He couldn't believe his life would change like this in one day.

All boys around his age were enjoying out there, and here he was sobbing in his bathroom and wishing his life could end.

"You are disgusting, Jin."

"Ewww, is that a face?"

"Aww, is that the handsome face? Now you are just hideous."

"Now why don't you just kill yourself instead of showing your horrible face?"

"Dude, I am gonna throw up. Get that ugly face off yours. I feel like I am seeing your ass."

Jin started to breathe heavily and looked at his imaginary friends infront of him by making fun of his face.

"No, no no. Please go. No no." Jin threw the razor away and started to move back, while imagining his friends looking down at him and bullying him. He curled up in the corner of the bathroom and hugged his knees tightly by crying hardly.

"Please, go. D-Don't make fun of me." Jin cried to himself, and buried his scarred face in his knees, and wished the earth to swallow him.

He didn't want to face the world outside. He didn't want to see people's reactions and the weird looks they would give him. he didn't want anyone to judge him, or make fun of his features.

He could feel some arms around him and hugging him tightly. He winced in pain but it was nothing compared to how much he was broken inside his heart.

All his worries was about one question.

"How am I gonna face this world surrounded by people who would judge me?"

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