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"Slowly open your eyes. Don't stress too much. Relax yourself and get adjusted with the bright light."

The doctor said calmly. The blindfold was slowly removed and Jungkook fluttered his eyes open. His eyes was met with bright light, and he blinked few times to get adjusted to the sudden brightness. He heard several gasps and sniffling.

When he opened his eyes fully, he was met with the beautiful image that no camera could capture.

His husband and his two-year old daughter Jeon Goo.

"J-Jungkook." Jin closed his mouth in awe by looking at his husband. Jungkook chuckled through his tears by seeing his husband and his beloved daughter for the first time in his life after the fire accident.

"D-Dada." Jungkook said by pointing himself while looking at his daughter who was reaching her cute hands towards him. Jungkook picked his daughter from Jin and hugged his baby who was cutely giggling and clapping her hands.

Jeon Goo exactly looked like Jungkook. His wide doe eyes, his cute nose and also his lips was perfectly on Goo. He didn't believe when Jin said Goo was exact copy of her daddy. But now looking at his daughter for the first time, he couldn't control his tears.

He remembered how much he wished to see his daughter when she was born. All he could hear was her cute giggles, and cries. He so badly wanted to see his husband and his own cute little family which was there for him to support him.

It's been seven years since Jungkook and Jin got married. After their little vacation in Jeju island, they soon started to study home school. They finished their college and married once they got graduated. During this time, their parents as well as Jinkook couple saved money for their treatments.

Jeon Goo.

An angel who lit up their world. She was the beautiful galaxy that made their lives even more pretty.

Jin couldn't believe his eyes while looking at his husband who regained his eye sight back.

"K-Kookie." Jin called softly making Jungkook look up to see his beautiful husband. Jungkook smiled by looking at his husband through his tears.

Since Jin had third degree burn, his scars were not completely vanished. He still had scars but less compared to before. During the past years, both Jungkook and Jin were undergoing treatments for their scars.

Jungkook reached his hands for his husband and Jin gladly took it. Soon the three were hugging and were enjoying their little family time.

"My beautiful babies." Jungkook whispered making Jin giggle by his statement. Goo was cutely blabbering incoherent words making the Jinkook couple laugh by her cuteness.

Jungkook wiped his tears and looked his daughter. Her chubby cheeks made Jungkook to pinch cutely. Jungkook giggled through his tears when he felt his daughters cute fingers touched his face. Jungkook melted in that simple touch and smiled by the sweet gesture.

Jin and Jungkook glanced at each other adoringly and looked at their beautiful baby, Jeon Goo.

Never did they believed this day would come.

Jin and Jungkook thought their life was over after the fire accident. They hid themselves away from the world and believed everything was going to be okay.

But deep inside they felt pain deeper than one could see.

The visible scars was nothing compared their invisible scars that they felt in their hearts. Visible scars on their body could be treated one day, but their invisible scars that planted in their souls had no cure.

Their remedy was present in each other's love. Their love for each other made their insecurities, fears, and worries disappear slowly. They opened up their hearts and let their love to reach each other's souls.

Had Jungkook or Jin were disgusted with other's scarred body or blindness, there was no life for them.

Jin and Jungkook started to love each others imperfection and flaws.

Beauty is found in imperfections after all.

They were in blind love, not blinded by love. They accepted their own self with their flaws and started to love one selves.

Their blind love was their only remedy to their scars. And they were gifted with the best remedy, their daughter Jeon Goo.

Each scars have different story.

And the scars which Jinkook couple had also a story.

A beautiful blind love story.

A beautiful blind love story

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Blind Love is completed angels.

This book is different from my other books.

I appreciate every read, vote and comment, it shows me how much you adore this book. I hope you enjoyed every chapter as much as I enjoyed writing for myself and for you.

Thank you to all the angels for recommending and adding my work to your reading lists💜

I apologize if this story didn't make you feel what I wanted to express. Since I didn't experience it in my life, I may have not been able to deliver the true feelings. But I tried my best to do it.

Behind every scar, there is an untold story of a survival. So let's not judge people easily. We don't know the emotions and pains the people are undergoing.

I always think that, our imperfections makes us beautiful.💜

And I believe that there is a person out there who will love our flaws. We must embrace ourselves and love ourselves no matter what.

Let's not get obsessed with the fake beauty and destroy ourselves to satisfy others. We don't have to prove ourselves to the people who, at the end of the day going to judge us.

I do have flaws, but that's what makes me who I am. And I am happy to be an imperfect person rather than being a perfect one.

I hope angels who read this story, start loving yourself no matter how imperfect we are. It makes us shine even more beautiful once we embrace it.

Beauty is not in a flawless face but in a flawless heart😊



Love Moon😘

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