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"What's your dream, Jin?"

Jungkook asked Jin while walking slowly on the empty beach. The night was out, and only less people were in the beach. The Jinkook couple decided to take a small walk after their hugging session.

"Dream? People like me can have dreams? I think it's useless anyways."

Jin shrugged his shoulders making Jungkook frown by his statement.

"What's wrong with dreaming?"

Jin chuckled by Jungkook's silly question. He shook his head and sat on the wet sand while assisting Jungkook to sit beside him. Jin closed his eyes by enjoying the cool breeze that was making his mind peaceful. The sound of the waves, and his sound of heart beat matched with the rhythm.

"Answer me, Jinnie."

Jungkook was persistent in knowing the answer from his future husband.

Jin opened his eyes slowly, and looked at the endless ocean infront of him. The reflection of moon on the water was beautifully pictured infront of him. He turned his side to see Jungkook blinking effortlessly. He could feel how much Jungkook wished to see the beauty in front of him.

"What's your dream, Jungkook?" Jin brought his knees close to his chest, and wrapped his knees by placing his head on his arms. The breeze was blowing calmly, and Jungkook's messy hair was beautifully dancing.

Jungkook smiled by the question. He knew what he wanted to do in his future.

"I wanted to do photography. I love arts. I love to capture beauty with my camera." Jin was shocked to hear this. He always noticed Jungkook carrying a camera with him. But he never thought photographer would be his dream.

"T-That's cool, Kook." Jungkook chuckled and lied on the sand without bothered about the wetness. He let out a heavy sigh and placed his hands behind his head for support as a pillow.

"I know. Photography made me happy. But-"

"But?" Jin waited for Jungkook to complete his sentence. Jungkook giggled by the stupid question.

"But I am blind, Jin. I can't see anything. So is my dream. They disappeared just like my eye sight."

Jin bit his lips from saying anything. He knew Jungkook was right. Had he not tried to save him, Jungkook would have not lost his sight. He would have pursued his dreams. But just because of him, Jungkook lost everything.

"Jungkook, have you heard about Beethoven?"

Jin asked while laying on Jungkook's clothed chest. He could feel the breathing and Jungkook's heart beat which was beating fast.

"N-No, what about him?" Jungkook tried to answer the question. He knew what Jin was trying to say.

"He loved music, and also a great composer. B-But suddenly he lost his hearing. You know what he did?" Jin looked up from Jungkook's chest to see his future husband face, who was already shedding some tears from his beautiful eyes.

Jin slowly wiped those tears off and kissed slowly on the beautiful eyes. Jungkook winced by the sudden action but soon loved the sweet gesture.

"He just lost his hearing, Kookie. Not his talent or his passion for music. The deafness didn't prevent him from doing what he likes. He is still one of the best musicians and always stayed in people's hearts."

Jungkook got up with Jin straddling his lap. Jin circled his arms around Jungkook's neck, and kissed on the clear forehead. Jungkook slowly brought his hands to Jin's beautiful face and caressed it.

This time Jin didn't stop him. He closed his eyes in pleasure which those beautiful hands did to his face.

He allowed Jungkook to see his insecurity. Allowed him to see through his soul.

"W-Why aren't you stopping me, Jin?" Jungkook asked while holding Jin's scarred face. Jin smiled by the question, and leaned by the sweet touch.

"I don't want you to stop, Jungkook. This is me. I have nothing to hide anything from you. I know how much pain you are undergoing. But I don't want you do be alone in this. I am with you. We may be scarred, but this isn't permanent.

I promise you that I won't lock myself from the world,  wear mask to protect my flaw, and give up on my life. I am going to face this cruel world, and not be disgusted with myself.

But I will do this only if you are with me, Kookie." Jin slowly rubbed Jungkook's beautiful eyelashes and blew some air on his cheeks.

"You will do this for me?" Jungkook asked by controlling from breaking down. Was really Jin was ready to face this world for the sake of him.

"Because you are my dream, Jungkook. I will follow my dream, and so do you. I won't give up on you. If you love something, nothing can stop you from getting it. I will make sure you achieve your dream.

Our flaws will one day shine, Kookie. I will make our scars to stars. Just like those stars shining in the sky."

Jin looked above to see stars twinkling and it was a beautiful sight to see. Though Jungkook couldn't see, he looked above to see only darkness.

But this darkness will one day turn into a light.

A bright light that will make their lives shine.

This darkness tried to eat them but together they will light their darkness world to a beautiful galaxy.

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