chapter 1

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hiccup was on his first boat ride with his father, they were going to sign a treaty with the berserkers, a loud boom came out of nowhere and rocked the boat, hiccup had hid in the closet in the bedroom, his knees covering his little face and his tiny hands holding on the his arms when the sound of the door caught his attention " d-daddy, is that you?..." foot steps came close to him , they sounded off when the door was opened to a man hiccup didn't know his black long beard look like his fathers and he was tall with light blue eye, they looked pretty to hiccup" is daddy here...?" Alvin looked at the small boy, his green eyes filled with curiosity, wild untamable auburn hair and small button nose in short the boy was cute, Vikings were not cute and he was too small for his age, the boy must have taken more after volka than his father, Alvin picked up the boy" put me down, please!"

Alvin was going to use the runt to get back his is favorite weapon and kill stoick maybe even make the kid and his tribe watch in a public execution, as soon as they hit the deck the boys snuggled into his beard getting closer to him for warmth, he wasn't dressed appropriately for the weather, he was wearing a thin long sleeved Olive tunic and a pair of brown thin trousers, a pair of small brown boots, in all honesty it looked like he was going someplace much warmer but that was none of Alvin's concerns as they made it back to the outcast ship the boy kept asking where his father was he was taken to little room with a bed , Alvin didn't know but a smirk lit up his face " he left back to bark" hiccup cried and looked at him with big green eyes that would put guilt into anyone's heart " h-he did..." Alvin nodded putting a hand on hiccup shoulder or rather finger, his shoulders are much too small and thin, a knock distracted him turning his attention to the door" Savage, come in" a tall man walked in and saw hiccups small frame " sir is he the only person we found?" Alvin nodded " take the boy to get some food, he need some meat on his bones" Savage nodded agreeing the boy was much to thin and needed to be fattened up a bit, a big pair of green eyes looked at him with with uneasiness " did daddy really leave me on the ship and leave..." Savage nodded seeing as the ship was empty and they thought everyone was off the ship, well not every on in savages opinion " can i see a healer please..." the voice sounded like a squeak, shy and unsure, Savage grabbed one of the boys awfully tiny hands and nodded " of course lad and we can walk around some after you eat " hiccup nodded " thank you sir" Savage smiled at the boy " no problem lad" as the walked to the healer he noticed the boy wasn't walking right " you ok lad?" the hiccup shook his head " it hurts..." the walk to the healer was short , the healer was young woman who wore her hair in a long braids she was a little bit on the plump side but nonetheless was pretty " hiccup this is our healer Ingrid, she's going to see what's wrong" the the little boy nodded and walked to Ingrid, his steps unsteady, the healer lean down and picked up the boys putting him on a bed " where are you hurt child?" Ingrid saw the way the child look down was he scared of her?, surely not but what could it be, a tiny voice broke her train of thought " you won't hate me if I tell you, right?..." Ingrid nodded " no of course not, child" the boy the looked over at Savage as his tiny voice filled the room" and you mister Savage..." he shook his head" of course not lad..."

Ingrid notice as the boy had taken off his shirt and leaned on his stomach, his back was covered in bruises and marks that were blooded and improperly wrapped, Ingrid was appalled at the state of the poor boy, Savage had a look a sadness and pure shock runs through his face just staring at him " daddy said I couldn't go to see gothi, because I was bad..." Ingrad got to work on replacing the bandages and disinfecting any wounds, Savage asked him questions " so happened hiccup" Savage saw the way he flinched as the healer was fixing the wounds on the boys back " I was was outside drawing, some of the older kids started hitting me, I ran away, there was a fire it was big one that took out half the village, everyone was ok though... they said I did it, but I was in the forest... daddy believed them and punished me by hitting me .." Savage was shocked, the lad looked to young to start a fire that big...he was much to small " it hurts a lot to walk, Savage..." the healer finished wrapping"Savage, you may want to watch him and make sure he doesn't faint" he walked the boy to the mess hall, he heard the little boys voice again" thank you" he was him smile as they ate

after eating and getting their fill, hiccup walked off while savage talked to another outcast to look around the ship,while looking around hiccup heard something under the deck, hiccup climbs down to see the where the sound is coming from.

he walks to big cage "wow it's so big" hiccup put one of his tiny hands on the cage when he's a the sound again " it doesn't feel big in here..." hiccup gasped " did you get locked in here!?" the caged moved and revealed a blue and green nadder " no I was trapped and brought here..." hiccup stubbed back fell on his butt " you can talk!" hiccup jumped up " and you can here me" hiccup nodded " can we talk for a bit?" the nadder nodded when tiny yawn caught his attention the small human was getting tired and the nadder didn't trust the humans above them " hatching come here and sleep under my wing" hiccup nodded without thinking or complaint the bars were big enough for him to slip through " night night mister nadder..." he let out another yawn before sleeping under the nadders wing

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