chapter 23

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the next day hiccup got up and went to breakfast hoping that dagur wasn't up, but Loki seemed to had it out for him today and there he was waiting for him... hiccup felt like leaving, but didn't want to get sick from flying on an empty stomach again like yesterday, so he'd just have to get it over with and sit with dagur.

dagur was happy to see hiccup come over,so would have to drag him over but dagur could see hiccup was uneasy about something maybe he was getting sick...

hiccup sat down with dagur at the table feeling nauseous but just wanted to eat and go " so brother, where is your dad? " seemed to just hearing that ' of course, more questions on where stoick is...' hiccup sighed " he's where jackass father's belong " Hiccup made sure to say it with a glare before getting up to leave with toothless, dagur got quick to stop hiccup " wait! " Dagur grabbed hiccups shoulder and saw a quick glimpse of fear before anger took it's place and hiccup ripped dagur's hand off him " i need to go " Hiccup ran out before dagur could say anything, he walked back to his seat only to see a note waiting there for him

dagur carefully opened the note to see what it was

' if you want to know what happened wait for me on the ship and we can meet at midnight '

dagur was confused but grateful to finally understand what's been going on around berk and maybe understand want made hiccup so angry, when he looked back at the doors he noticed a man, hiccups uncle spitelout, he shrugged it off and finished his meal before going to look for more Clue's before his father left to sign the peace treaty, his father and him waited on the ship when night fall came and woman walked to the ship, she was wearing a cloaked hood that hid her face all but a small flat mole could be seen on the bottom half of her face

spitelout had made it into the jail without getting caught this time, thanks to some help earlier in the day, he had made a plan to get help from the still camped out beserker to help him and they would be none the wiser, as he made it to his brothers cell stoick was angry with not getting any information the past few months, he then noticed footsteps and turned to see his brother spitelout " what took so long! " Stoick practically bellowed it out " well am sorry, your runt has people working against us and keeps a close eye on things! " he yelled in a hushed tone, stoick growled a bit in frustration, when he got out he was going to give that boy a reason to truly fear him but he needed him to still be obedient and working, spitelout sighed " I don't know why you're mad, I didn't even tell you what happened and yet you're already mad " Stoick perked up after hearing that and looked at his brother spitelout confused " what do ya mean, what happened? " Spitelout looked annoyed and a bit disgusted with sneer

" it seems Alvin's taken a liking to hiccup, he seems to have laid clam to hiccup as his son of sorts " Stoick was thoroughly confused, did he hear that correctly, did his brother just tell him that Alvin the treacherous was basically trying to adopt his son, his property from under his nose, while he's stuck here to rot!, stoick was steaming with anger, when his brother Walked closer " don't worry, we've got a plan " Stoick was confused again " who's we, exactly " Spitelout had a big smile on his face " those of us who still wish to have you as our chief, that's who " Stoick had stoney look on his face and nodded

" aye, it's my honor truly " Spitelout nodded with respect and moved on " I need you to tell dagur and Oswald this story " Stoick looked confused again when spitelout continued " I have someone telling them the same tale, so that they'll help break you out with no questions asked,they've been looking for clues and so now we're giving them " Stoick had blank look before a smile spread on his lips

danger helping the lady on to the ship " so you wish to hear the unfortunate fate of Berk " the voice sounded young and suspicious, dagur nodded " yes, please! " the women held the cloaked hood she was wearing tight around her " hiccup had showed us that we could train dragons...he had tamed a nightfury and somehow the outcasts had found out... they attacked us in the middle of the night..., they put us in shackles and force the boy to train dragons for them... all while poisoning is mind against Berk and not letting him even see his father, stoick misses his only son so much... he's still trapped in shackles and his trying to free Berk and hiccup from Alvin's clutches..." Dagur and Oswald were shocked upon hearing this, dagur was surprised to hear that hiccup could tame dragon's while Oswald was felt awful about hearing what happened to Stoick and hiccup, hiccup was being hurt and stoick was still trapped trying to save his island and his son from his worst enemy

Oswald couldn't help but feel as though there was more going on " is there anything else miss?..." she paused and lowers your head " hiccup was covered in bruises and cuts when stoick saw him again, I fear they may have tortured the poor boy in order to poison him against us, to make us the enemy..." the women looked around seeing some torches coming close to the ship and the way her body shifted telling dagur and his father that she was surprised and needed to leave " I must go now..." she ran off, her cloak flowing behind her as she left not long later the torches showed to be carried but the guards on patrol, some were outcast while the others were from Berk, they asked him and his father some questions and left soon after returning to their duty, Dagur needed to talk to Stoick to hear what happened from him, Oswald was going to go with him to make sure he was safe from any of Alvin's tricks, he and Oswald left go the jail, they had managed to get in well a dragon's slept on top of the jail house, has walked in they heard the sounds of someone who softly praying as they got closer they could see it was stoick, on his knees praying with his back turned to them " please Odin, let me be free to get my son back from that heartless outcast, and save the innocence's in my village from his corruption as well... " Dagur moved forward and knocked on his cell, she rose up and turned to looked at them with disbelief written on his face " how did you get in?... " Oswald had spoke up and moved forward to stoick's cell

" they looked to be busy looking for someone, so we were able to get in easy with no one noticing " Stoick sighed in relief " please, help me get out, hiccup has been brainwashed by that evil man... he thinks that I'm the enemy and not just me but the whole of Berk!... they must have twisted his mind pretty good..." Dagur felt as though something was off, something didn't set while with him and Oswald had the same feeling, he looked at stoick pleading for help but something in his eyes didn't feel right, Oswald felt something was off, it all didn't sound right for some reason, it seemed wrong... maybe they needed to hear more of the story to help..." we'll help you stoick, to get your boy and your island back " Oswald said to stoick as he nodded " thank you... " they soon left, stoick felt weak for having to ask for help, but it was all he left for a chance to get out of here!

when dagur and Oswald left for the ship after leaving the jail, they looked around dagur now having a renewed hatred for Alvin ' how could he hurt my brother like that, when I get my hands on him! ' Oswald on the other hand still didn't like how the story fit, he did see hiccup with a night fury but when he was around Alvin he looked to be on cloud 9... something just wasn't adding up here, they made it to their rooms but with dagur stomping all the way back his

back to they're rooms where dagur planned on getting hiccup to tell him what happened and how they can help him escape from Alvin hopefully it's not to late... dager fell asleep thinking of what to do for hiccup before he was to leave soon...and how he was going to kill Alvin for hurting his brother as the dreamless night pass and new day was coming and it didn't seem to hold any promises of getting any of for dagur...

by the next morning Oswald and dagur had called a meeting on the ship bright and early to plan out what to do to help Berk and it's people while most of the berserkers were understandably irritated, they knew that dagur and Oswald held the young hair and his father as their family of sorts and so a plan was made in wee early hours in the morning to save hiccup and Berk from Alvin ... all while unknowingly helping something that could lead to their Doom...

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