skating rank

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me and Emily start walking and i can't help but start day dreaming about holding her hand. "hey dude, you ok? if you keep spacing out eventually your gonna end up running into a tree haha!" Emily says waving her hand in front of my face. "oh sorry em!" i instantly realized that i called her em on accident instead of Emily "aww wait that's such a cute nickname! you should call me that more often" she says smiling at me.

we walk for a little while longer talking about our favorite songs and i give her one of my earbuds and play some of my favorite songs. "ok we are here nowwww!!!" Emily says jumping up and down yanking the earbud out of my ear. "wait where? i thought we were just going on a walk." i say turning off my music and putting my phone in my front pocket.

"we are at the skating rank! we are gonna go roller skating!" i instantly feel a rush of fear go through my body. i've always been good at ice skating but for some reason i never got the hang of roller skating, i always fall down. "umm are you sure we have to-" i try to tell her i don't want to but she grabs my arm and brings me up to the door of the rank before i can finish my sentence , "ladies first" Emily says opening the door and giggling. i walk in while sighing and we go up to the spot where you get your skates.

we tell the woman our sizes and get handed our skates. we sit down on the ground and struggle to put them on. Emily eventually gets hers on and stands up. "oh my gosh i forgot how hard it is to balance at first haha, hurry up so we can gat on the rankkk!!" she says taking slow steps towards the wall. i get mine on and stand up, i instantly fall down into a split which i didn't even know i could do, "OWWW omg, Emily i cant roller skate!! i don't know what to do!" i say using a near by table to bring myself up. "aww it's ok, you can hold my hand when we skate so if you go down we both go down haha, but it will also help you to stay up."

i cant believe it, i was just thinking earlier about holding her hand and now it's actually about to happen! this is so exciting, holding hands with- "uhhh Bella, your spacing out again, you really need to learn to be more focused haha, now come on," she says walking towards the rank "i'll hold your hand once we get into the rink"

i slowly walk over to her trying not to fall again.  once i get up to where she is my heart starts pounding, there are so many butterflies in my chest. "you ready Bella?" she says reaching her hand out to me, i take a deep breath and grab her hand. it might sound weird but her hands feel so soft, i don't wanna let go.

we go into the rank and we go by the railing. i slowly move my feet forward with hers, she's going slowly too so that i don't fall, she's such a sweetheart. we stay there for a while until she asks me if i wanna go closer to the middle. i decide that with her i'll be safe so i nod my head in agreement. we go closer to the middle, as we go in a song starts playing, "still into you by paramore" (you can listen to it while you read if u want, you don't have to tho🙈).

for a while it's going great, our feet move in sinc as we glide to the music. i see couples holding hands and wish that me and Emily were a couple, i like being her friend but part of me wishes we were more. "see this isn't that bad your a natural!" Emily says combing her fingers through her hair looking into my eyes giggling, i can't help but look at her back. once i look at her i loose my balance and fall over. "AHHH"

i open my eyes and see that since me and emily were holding hands i've landed on top of her. i look up at her face and me and her don't say a word. she starts blushing and so do i. for a split second it feels like nothing else matters and she is the only girl in the world. we both look at each other's lips. i want to kiss her so bad but i know she just wants to be friends. "im so sorry umm i'm going to use the restroom" i say getting up and getting out of the skating rank into the bathroom as fast as i can.

(sry this chapter was so long🙈)

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