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omg y'all i'm back i'm finally writing another chapter bdbdnd, i'm so sorry i didn't write for so long😃🙈

i walk inside my house and see my mom looking at me shocked, at first i don't think anything of it but then i remember i was just kissing Emily, what if she saw me?

"hey mom! what's up?" i say a little confused. my mom smiles at me and i see a tear fall onto her cheek. i'm now extremely confused and ask her what's wrong. "why didn't you tell me sweetie?" she smiles giving me a big hug. "uhhh tell you what?" i say pulling out of the hug. "why didn't you tell me you and Emily Jones were dating?! and that you liked girls?! you know that i love you and support you no matter what!" my mom sheds another tear, "now can you give me a hug?"

i cant belive my mom knows, it feels a bit refreshing but also strange, ive been thinking about the way i was going to come out to her for years, this is not how i planned it. i give her a big hug and find myself crying. "please don't tell dad!" i say, tears falling on her shoulder. "oh my goodness i won't! i know your dad is a little closed minded, i won't tell anyone, but i'm very happy for you. and please tell me about what's going on with you from now on. i love you."

i go to my room and go on my phone. i text Emily telling her that my mom knows and that she supports us, i tell her she won't tell my dad or her parents and that i didn't mean to tell her. she answers pretty quickly she seems a little upset. "wait what?? Bella no one is supposed to know! pleaseeee just make sure she dosent tell my parents" i tell her that my mom won't tell anyone and that we can trust her. she seems more calm so i put my phone away and decide to watch tv.

i walk down the stairs to the living room and put on criminal minds. after i have watched a couple of episodes my dad comes home from work. i quickly change the show i'm watching to friends because my dad dosent like me watching violent tv shows. "hey Bella! how are you?" my dad says sitting next to me on the couch. for some reason he's being nice to me today.

"uh, i'm fine dad, just watching tv" i say smiling at him. "hey kiddo, i got you some skittles on my way home from work, i know they're your favorite!" my dad laughs handing them to me and getting up from the couch. "wait why did you get me something?" i ask confused. my dad just laughs again and walks out of the room.

i have no idea why he's being nice all of a sudden, maybe because i told him me and Emily are just friends, i know we arnt but i think that made him happy. it's getting late so i go to bed since i don't want to be tired tomorrow. i'm so excited to go on the trip with Emily and her family!

ew this chapter sucks i'm so sorry😃 and i know it's super short i just didn't know what to write but the next chapter will be better i swear🙈

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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