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- stories -
O1. Cover ?/10pts.
- Is the cover appealing?O2. Description ?/15pts.
- Did the description of the book catch your interest?O3. Writing Style ?/20pts.
- How unique is the writing style of the book?O4. Grammar ?/25pts.
- Is the book readable? Does it have good grammar?O5. Plot ?/30pts.
- How incredible was the plot? Did it astound you? Did it keep you on reading the story?O5.1 Total Points
- ?/100pts.Criteria
- poetry -
O1. Cover ?/20pts.
- Is the cover appealing?O2. Creativity ?/30pts.
- Was the book unlike any other?O3. Writing Style ?/50pts.
- Are the poems well written?O4. Total Points
- ?/100pts.
Format- stories -
O1. Cover ?/10pts.
O2. Description ?/15pts.
O3. Writing Style ?/20pts.
O4. Grammar?/25pts.
O5. Plot ?/30pts.
O5.1 Total Points ?/100pts.
Format- poetry -
O1. Cover ?/20pts.
O2. Creativity ?/30pts.
O3. Writing Style ?/50pts.
O4. Total Points ?/100pts.
Reminder: judges MUST follow the format when submitting the scores.
Atelier Fiction Awards 2020
Aléatoire(✖) OPEN (✖) CLOSE (✔) JUDGING Atelier Fiction Awards is here. Feel like your book isn't gaining enough recognition than it should have? Don't worry the Atelier Fiction Awards is here to help you out! #3 on awards