For us to proceed there are certain rules you must follow.
Reminder: your book will not be accepted if you aren't following any of these rules.
O1. Follow this account.
O2. Follow the founder neptinian
O3. You must give this book a shout out on your profile.
O4. Add this book to your public reading list and library to keep you updated.
O5. Follow your judges once you receive them.
O6. The maximum number of books that can be entered is three.
O7. No bribing the judges. We will know.
O8. No hate speech and please don't be rude.
O9. Your book must have five chapters already published, excluding prologue and disclaimer.
1O. Entries must be on English.
Password: ENJOY!
Atelier Fiction Awards 2020
Rastgele(✖) OPEN (✖) CLOSE (✔) JUDGING Atelier Fiction Awards is here. Feel like your book isn't gaining enough recognition than it should have? Don't worry the Atelier Fiction Awards is here to help you out! #3 on awards