Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I called Jessica the next day.  “Tell me everything!!” she said.

So of course I told her everything.  “Do you think he could be my friend too?” she asked.

“Yeah of course!  Do you want to get together and see if he’ll hang out with us?”

“O.k. sounds good. We were already planning on me coming over

Wednesday, right? So why don’t we plan it for Wednesday?!”

“I’ll call him later and ask him then.” I said.

“Sorry Katie, I’ve got to go, my mom’s calling me.”

“Ok. See ya Wednesday. Bye.”



I called Jesse later that day after my discussion with Jessica.


“Hi, may I speak to Jesse please?” I asked.

“This is he.” He said

“Hi! It’s Katie.”

“Oh, hey, what’s up?”

“I was just wondering if you would like to hang out at my house Wednesday.  Jessica is spending the night and she said she wants to meet you properly. Or in other words ‘size you up’ since you’re my new friend….but I wasn’t supposed to tell you that. Oops.”

He laughed. “Sure.  I’ll make sure I come over looking horrible.” He joked.

“Yeah, that’ll throw her for a loop!” I said laughing.

“Ha, ha. See you Wednesday.” said Jesse.

“Ok. See ya.”



Finally it was Wednesday and Jessica was already over.

“What’s he like?” she asked.

“You’ll find out later.”

“When is he coming over?”

“In about 15 minutes, just be patient.” I said.

“So, do you like him?”

“Yeah, of course I like him!”

“No, I mean like-like him.” she said.

“What is up with you and wondering if I like him?”

“Well, you’ve like-liked a guy friend before.” 

“Well no, I don’t like him like that.” I said, but for some reason I didn’t fully believe myself.  What is wrong with me?  I thought.

The doorbell rang just then.  I sighed with relief from getting away from that conversation.

“I’ll get it.” I said. Jessica waited in my room.

“Hi Jesse!” I said. “Come on in.”

“Wow! Nice house!”

“Oh that’s right!  You haven't seen the inside of the house yet, have you?”

“Nope, I haven’t.” 

“Well, come on upstairs to my room.  Jessica can’t wait to see you again.” I whispered. “You didn’t make yourself look horrible.” I said remembering what he said the other day.

“No, I decided not to.  I thought I should be presentable.” he said joking.

So we hung out most of the night just talking and watching movies and stuff but then it got to be late so Jesse had to go home.  We all said our good-byes and then he left.

“He’s nice and funny and hot! If you ask me that’s a great combination.” said Jessica.

“It is a great combination.” I said dreamily. Jessica gave me a look that said ‘spill the beans’.

“Too bad I don’t like him like that.” And again I didn’t necessarily believe myself when I said that.

“Well then, if you don’t want him then I’ll take him.” Jessica said.

“You really like him like that?”

“Yeah, sort of, plus he’s drop dead gorgeous!!”

“That’s just plain shallow.” I said.

“I like his personality, too.” she said defensively. “Plus, I think he flirted with me.”

“Sure, whatever, you just think he’s hot!  Gosh, I can’t believe you!” Is that jealousy I feel?  I thought to myself.  No, it can’t be.  I don’t like him like that….right?

“OMG!  School is Monday!  Can you believe it?” Jessica said trying to change the subject.

“Yeah, I’m really bummed.  I don’t want school to start yet.” I said going along with it.

“I know…it felt like a really short summer…..”

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