Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I had just gotten home when there was a knock on my front door.

“Who is it?” I called.

“It’s me, Jesse!” he yelled from the other side of the door.

“Hi!” I said opening it up. “I was just heading up to my room, so come on up.”

“I see that you put some posters up.” He said once we got there.

“Yeah, I was getting kind of bored with just the plain wall. Can you pass me those clothes on my bed please?.....thanks.  I’m gonna go change before Jessica gets here.” I said.


When I came out of the bathroom I saw that Jessica was already here.

“We were just talking about what happened at lunch today.” Jessica said.

“Yeah, what was up with that?” asked Jesse. 

“I’m sorry Jesse, it’s just that you looked really uncomfortable with those girls there so I decided to play a little prank, and plus, I really don’t like them.” I said.

“That’s ok.  I actually found it funny, let’s think of another way to prank them!”

“NO!” said Jessica. “If you get on their bad side you will not like it.  Trust me, I knew some people who have gotten on their bad side and it wasn’t pretty.”

“You knew some people?” asked Jesse.

“Exactly.” Jessica said.

“Ok, fine, we won’t do anything.” I said.

“Hey, Katie,” Jesse said. “Since you have English and a few other classes with me, what’s the girls’ name that sits on the right of me in English class?”

“I don’t remember. What does she look like?”

“She has short dark brown wavy hair, bright green eyes, really pretty, do you know her?” Jesse said describing a girl named Angela Porter (Alison Porter’s sister).  She’s a popular but one of the nicer ones, all of the boys have crushes on her.

“Oh, that’s Angela Porter, why?” I asked. 

“No reason.”

“You like her don’t you!?” said Jessica.


“Sorry, jeez.” said Jessica.

“Has she asked you that?” asked Jesse.

“Yes! She kept asking if I liked you like that.” I replied before I could stop myself.

“Do you?” he asked curiously. 

“N-no, not like that.” I don’t like him like that, I thought.  There’s no way I do, I would know if I did.

“See Jessica, she doesn’t like me like that so stop pestering her.” Jesse said.

“Thank you.” I gratefully said to him.  He just smiled at me.

“Fine, I won’t ask you anymore Katie.  And going back to what we were talking about earlier, what’s up with asking questions about Angela?” Jessica said.

“Nothing, she just seemed like a really nice person.”

“Sure.” Jessica and I said not buying it.


Jesse is totally checking Angela out! I thought to myself while sitting in English class.  He’s gonna get himself in trouble for not paying attention in class.  Maybe I should get his attention or something.  No, I’ll just let him gawk at her for a while.  Uh oh!  The teacher is looking at him!  Oh no!  He’s gonna get in trouble!

“Jesse, what is so interesting back there that you just can not pay attention?” asked Mrs. Wither, the English teacher.

“Nothing.” replied Jesse turning red from embarrassment.

“Then I guess you should start paying attention in class.” She said with an ‘I know what you were looking at’ kind of look.

I was trying so hard not to laugh at him, but it was so funny!  He just about jumped out of his chair when the teacher called his name.  He must really like Angela.  I wonder when he’s gonna tell us.  Ooh, bell just rang, time for LUNCH!!

I told Jessica everything that happened in English class before Jesse even got into the cafeteria.  She thought it was hilarious.  Wait a minute, he’s just now walking into the cafeteria….now he’s got his lunch and is paying….now he’s heading for our table….wait….he’s not coming over!

“I can not believe it!  He just sat down with Angela!” exclaimed Jessica.  He even looked over at us and shrugged his shoulders and gave an apologetic look.

“Well, he likes her doesn’t he?” I said.

“Yeah, but he could have at least told us!”

“What’s your problem with him not sitting with us?”


“You really like him don’t you?” I said.

“Yeah, kind of.”

“Awww, Jessica!” Now there is definitely no way I would ever like him, I thought.

“Can we not talk about it please.” she said looking like she could cry.

“For now, we won’t, but later at my house, we will.” I said.

“Sorry I didn’t sit with you guys at lunch.” said Jesse while we were walking down the hallway to our next class.

“That’s ok….so ….did Angela invite you to sit with her?” I asked innocently.

“Yeah, she did, I told you she was really nice.”

“Yes, she is.” He looks really happy, I thought.  I feel bad for Jessica, she likes him but he likes Angela.  This is gonna get very complicated.

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