A double date??

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Y/n's Pov

          "You, okay?" says Sana as soon as I walk into the kitchen. I nod, step back, and smile as the kitchen door opens. We both turn around to see a man standing by the door.

 We both turn around to see a man standing by the door

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"I called you three times, Sana. Why didn't you answer the phone?"

Perhaps I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time......Is he Sana's boyfriend????

She looks at me, then at him. "Who is he, Sana?" I narrow my eyes. "Umm.... well he's...uhm- " she says nervously. "My name is Jungkook, and I'm her boyfriend." The man cuts Sana while holding out his hand.

I knew it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hearing this, my eyes widen, and I look at her, expecting an answer. She gives a ' I'll tell you afterwards' look I nod. "Who, by the way, is she?" He inquires of Sana. "Oh, I'm her best friend." I shake his hand in response. "Y/n, right?" I smile and nod. "I'll just leave now. I have some work at the counter, and you both continue." I hurry out of the kitchen winking at Sana, not wanting to bother them any longer.

Sana's Pov

     As she flees the room, I glare at her. This was not meant to happen. I lock my gaze on Jungkook. "Don't look at me. She would've found out eventually." He spoke. I sigh, knowing he's correct. I can't keep secrets from Y/n for long. "Now tell me why you were trying to call me." "Yes, I was thinking about going on a double date. You bring Y/n and I'll bring Taehyung to bring them closer."

 Yes, I am aware of Taehyung's attraction for Y/n. Jungkook told me about it at the club when we first met, and then y/n told me about how she ended up at Taehyung's house, in addition to this Taehyung comes here every day to see her. He clearly likes her, and I want my best friend to be free of her past. He saved her from that jerk and her ex today, which was awesome. Not that she needed it but still it was cool.

     "What a brilliant idea!" I exclaim as I pull him into a hug and kiss his cheeks. "Okay, I have to leave now to make all the arrangements for the date. I'll call you." Before leaving, he pulls back and kisses my forehead, making me blush.

Now I just have to somehow convince Y/n.

- × -

(At Y/n's apartment) 

      Y/n's Pov

     "So," I start. "All right, I'll tell you everything," Sana says. She recounts everything from their first meeting to the present. "You two look cute together," I say as I look at their selfie.

    "Oh yes I forgot. Jungkook asked me for a date." 


   "He's bringing a friend, and you're joining us."

    "Hm–wait what?? Like a double date? No, I'm not interested." I whine.

  "You need a fresh start; this is your best chance, and you might even like his friend. Please, just once." I sigh and nod, unable to say no to her.

  "Yay! I'll tell Jungkook bye. Oh, and by the way the date's tomorrow" Before I can say anything, she rushes out the door.

There's no way I'm getting out of this double date now.

- × -

Taehyung's Pov

       "Please come on, Hyung." Jungkook complains. He wants me to accompany him on a double date with the best friend of his girlfriend. He is aware that I like Y/n. "No," I say firmly. "Oh, by the way her best friends name is Y/n". Hearing Y/n's name, I perk up. 

Is he really talking about my Y/n?

Why hadn't he told me this earlier? "You're not kidding, are you?" He shook his head. "I'll come, but if this is one of your jokes, Jungkook-" He cuts me off immediately, saying, "I'm not playing a joke on you, hyung. You'll find out tomorrow ". "All right", He cheers before skipping towards the office door.


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